Chapter 8

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Its then been a few months later since that arguement with latula and honestly the last few days i was able to talk or hang out with him. He just stopped hanging out with me suddenly and I dont exactly know why. When i come over to him he is always avoiding me or panicking in a way. I dont know what i have done wrong. I would never hurt him. It makes me feel like i lost him all over again and i dont want to think about that. Was this... latula's doing... no... she-? I don't know...

Meulin invited me to go to the skating park today and of course i agreed to come over. I sat at the skating park bench waiting for meulin. I clinged on to my skateboard watching mituna try to succeed on his radical tricks but failed at most. I see Latula come by over to him comforting him to avoide his spazzing. I see them both smile, laugh. It keeps reminding me of the past which im trying to move on from. I notice some one familiar join in to sit next to me. "Hey (y/n) What's up?" It was my morail meulin. "Why are mew here all by mewr self and not with them?" She doesnt know about me not being with mituna anymore yet. "....but you told me to come so i sat and waited for you....." I said looking down, I tried to avoid the proper answer to that. ".....good point...but i thought you would though while you wait" she says. I didnt say anything and thing else and looked at mituna and latula. "(Y/n)?" I didnt say nothing. Meulin looked worried at me. I know she knows what's up. When does she doesn't? "Um...Do mew want to go get a snack?" She asks trying to see to get my mind off what ever i was thinking. I nodd getting up. Meulin got up as well grabing my hand. She then lead me out of the park. I cound of swarn i felt some one watching me go. "What am i doing wrong" I mumbled over to meulin. She kept walking not noticing i was talking to her. I sighed taping her shoulder. When she looked at me i repeated what i had said. She stopped and stared at me. "What do you mean?" She questioned. "I...I cant do this any more meulin...He's been avoiding me...i try and try i just...i just cant no more" I whimpered trying to hold my tears. Meulin pulled me into a hug holding me close petting my hair softly. "Shhhh Dont worry. Evfurrything will be ok" I shook my head a little disagreeing. "Dont be so dramatic! Why dont i later get mituna on his furree time and mew both then go work out this purroblem!" She smiled breaking the hug. She laid her hands on my shoulders. I shook my head again "I bet he doesnt even what to see me." Meulin hissed a bit seeing what came out of my mouth. "Why dont mew go back to mewr hive and rest! I bet mew've been out there fur hours!" she demanded me. The funny think is it was true. I was there for way to long and gone back to that no sleeping habit, But i didnt want to go in my hive. Although i dont want to argue with my morail so i begining to walk off over to my hive. I crossed my arms, looking down as i walked. Many questions popping up on my mind. What if he doesnt care about me anymore? When I made it back to my hive I when straight to my room to sleep. I needed it. but I didn't feel tired. so I just laid there. Many question just popped on my head untill, I finally passed out.


"Hey what'th wrong?" Mituna asked hopping on to the couch next to me. "I'm boooooooooooored" Mituna laughed a bit. "I can thee that!" I looked at him smiling child like. "...hmmm...Amuse me!" Mituna was silent bit. "amuthe you?" I nod in responce as he smirked big. "Ok Then!" He moved his hands to my side and immediatly tickled me. I burst into laughter as he did as well on my plain laughing reaction. "HAHAHA NO HAHAHA TUNA! STAHP! HAHA"


I open my eyes getting off my bed. I let out a frustrated sigh and went down straight to the door. I quickly opened the door with an annoyed expression on my face. But that didn't last long till I knew who was standing there in front of me. "M-Mituna?!"

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