Chapter 3: Making Friends Is Hard

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~Jade P.O.V~

I sit on the locker room bench for a few moments while I dry my eyes with the handkerchief JJ gave me. I really didn't want to walk out there and talk to this dude. Why did he even care? I'm nothing to nobody except JJ. I go into the bathroom and quickly wash my face so I don't look gross and sweaty. I can't help but look at myself in the mirror. This is why you need makeup. I dry my face and head out of the locker room. They're both standing there talking like they've known each other for years. Clearly they have.

"What do you want?" I ask bitterly.

Landon turns around to meet my eyes.

"Well hello to you too." He laughs. "I came to see if you were okay."

"Why wouldn't I be?" I say. Then I remembered. He made me hit my head. Dick. "I'm fine." I reply as I rub my left temple where I hit my head.

He smiles and walks closer to me.

"I had no idea you were so.. Ruthless." He says and looks at the guy still rolling around in pain on the ring.

"He got what he deserved." I say crossing my arms.

"Well it looks like it. Hey to show how sorry I really am let me drive you home." He says.

Just as I was about I open my mouth to object, JJ cut me off.

"Landon can I talk to you in private." JJ says more as a statement than a question.

They both walk off into the locker room and into JJ's office. I sneak in there making as little noise as I could to hear what they were saying.

"What's up?" Landon says.

"Okay dude well this isn't easy to tell you but she doesn't have a house to go to." JJ tells him.

"What do you mean? She goes to school of course she has to have a home." Landon replies.

"I know. I know. Look around. See this office? See how there's clothes where files should be? How there's a microwave that shouldn't be in here? She.. Lives here." JJ states.

There was silence for a few seconds from Landon but he finally spoke up.

"What?" He asks in a bitter tone.

"She refuses to live with me. She just wants to be left on her own I guess. She's been living here since she was 13. Four years of ramen and Netflix on my computer. Getting showered in the gym showers and basically using my office as her room. Though at least she keeps it clean." He laughs.

"JJ you know I live in a big house you should of told me about this." Landon says.

"Landon, my dude, she doesn't like people. She likes me because we've gotten close over the last four years since I took her in. She doesn't have any friends whatsoever. If you want to try and change that by all means. But you better find a good approach or she'll have your head on a silver platter." JJ replies.

"Where are her parents." Landon says in an icy voice.

"That's not really my business to tell you that. If you want to know about her, try talking to her. I'm sure deep down she wants someone to be in her life other than me." JJ says opening his office door.

I act like I was just walking in to get changed into my regular clothes. JJ sees me and smiles. I give him a half smile then immediately drop it once I see Landon follow JJ out of his office. I give him a slight angry glare and he just smiles.

"Jade can I talk to you?" He asks me.
I turn and look at JJ and he just smiles and walks out of the locker room.

"What do you want Landon." I say biting my tongue from what I really want to say.

"I want to ask you if you would like to hang out tomorrow after school." He says.

"Why would you want to? Why do you care about me Landon? You're the first person that would throw a punch the minute he gets angry and the last person I suspected to ask a nobody to chill with them. You're the popular "bad boy" at school and I'm just a mere nobody who literally knows nobody." I reply. This guy is nuts!

"You seem cool. I've never seen you until this year and it makes me a bit sad I didn't know you before because I really want to get to know you. We even have the same music taste!" He says pointing at my Attila shirt.

I sigh and give in. "Alright Landon. You broke me. I'll chill with you. And don't be pulling your little moves on me either. I see how you act with chicks at school."

He smiles.

"Alright m'lady I'll see you tomorrow." He says backing out of the locker room.

What a weirdo. I finish putting on my clothes and walk out to find JJ. Listening to their conversation made me realize how much I hate ramen. Time to mix things up.

"JJ!" I shout across the gym jogging up to him.

"Yeah what's up?" He says while spotting a guy benching 200 pounds.

"Can I borrow some cash to get some food?" I ask while running a hand over my stomach.

"Yeah there's some cash in my safe. You know the code." He says never taking an eye off the man benching.

I jog back to his office and type in the pin to his safe. The day and month he took me in. I pull open the safe and see 3 stacks of cash. Holy shit JJ. There had to be 5 or 6 G's here. It was mostly 100 bills but I managed to find two twenties and pull them out of the rubber band. Maybe JJ owns a strip club. My thought made me giggle. I walk out and tell JJ I'd be back later.

I didn't have a car so walking was normal to me. I was really feeling fast food so I headed towards the nearest McDonald's which was about a mile down the road. I shrug and start walking while thinking about Landon. Why did he care so much. The all-time bad boy wants to get to know me? Was Lexi trying to pull some charade? The thought of Lexi made me ball my fists up so tight my knuckles turned white. Bitch. One day you'll get yours. Even if I have to bash in your face myself. My thoughts make me smirk a little and release my tension. I look over at some of the houses around me. Oh crap. I look over to my right and see my ex boyfriends house. I shudder at the thought of him. Freaking douche bag. No one knows about him but JJ. And I hope it stays that way. Seeing his house made my face and chest full of burning rage. I could almost feel my heart set on fire I was so angry. Why did I ever get involved with him. I sigh and try to release some stress as I walk more thinking about reasons why Landon would want to chill with me. Freaking odd. He must be mental. I finally reach McDonald's. Holy grail of my existence. I walk in and order two mcchickens because a real girl knows how to satisfy an appetite.

I watch the sun go down as I sit in the booth at McDonald's thinking about my past. I still blame myself for my parents. I look at my phone. 8:41 pm. Plenty of time for a cigarette then go home. I walk out of McDonald's and lean my back up against the door while lighting up my cigarette. I put it between my lips and inhale. I don't know why I do this to myself.

I sigh and look up at the sky blowing out smoke. I didn't know whether or not to be excited or disappointed that I actually had plans with another human being tomorrow. Why is making friends so damn hard?

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