Chapter 8: Mushy Bad Boy

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Jade P.O.V

Here we go. I get to meet the infamous bad boys mother.. She's most likely going to think I'm his girlfriend.. Is that such a bad thing Jade?  No stop it. You don't like him. Right. I don't like him. No matter how much you want to see him shirtless punching a boxing bag or lifting weights, you don't like him. Period. Jade focus. You're meeting his mom. You're the tough girl you always were. Don't focus on the bad boy. He doesn't even like you. Just shake hands with his mom and find your room and just chill in there.

"Hi, I'm Linda, Landon's mom." She says holding out her hand.

"Jade." I say in a hoarse voice while shaking her hand.

"It's good to meet you, you're the first girl Landon has actually let me meet. You two are so cute." Linda smiles.

"Whoa mom we're not together. I'm just doing JJ a favor." Landon interrupts her.

I want to open my mouth to say something but I just stay silent. It's what you're good at.

"Oh I'm sorry. Well Landon show her to her room so she can get settled in. I'm sure Landon will take care of you while you stay here." She says.

I nod and follow Landon up the stairs and the second floor hallway is huge. We walk several doors down and stop.

"And this will be Casa De Jade for a while." Landon says opening the door.

The room is huge. A king size bed. A huge vanity. A 80' flat screen TV with every gaming console I could even think of hooked up to it. Two over sized bean bags in front of the TV sitting on top of a wide black soft furry rug. And to top it off a window view of the street where I can sit, read, and watch the leaves and snow fall. After all Christmas was a month and a half away. Landon catches my amusement as I stare around the room and he chuckles, breaking my train of thought.

"This was my gaming room but oh well." He says and shrugs.

"Thank you." I say with tears in my eyes.

Don't let him see you cry. Don't be a wuss.

"Alright well I'll let you get settled. If you need me I'll be right across the hall." He says shutting the door.

I sigh in relief and let the tears drop like Niagara Falls. I drop to my knees and put my head in my hands. C'mon Jade pull it together. How long am I going to be here? I don't want to invade their home just because I made one wrong mistake with an abusive guy. Why can't my parents be alive to help me through this. All I've ever wanted in life was to make them proud. At this point I'm lying on the floor in a puddle of my own tears just staring at the wall when suddenly the door opens.

"Oh I almost forgo--... Jade?" I hear Landon say.

I don't answer I just lay still and let the tears run down my face. He walks over to me and grabs my shoulders, forcing me to sit up.

"Jade. Talk to me." He says trying to get me to look him in the eye.

I wipe my face with the back of my hand and look up at him.

"What's wrong?" He asks wiping a few tears from my chin.

"N-nothing I was just thinking about
s-stuff." I manage to reply.

"Want to talk about it? Might help." He says sitting in front of me.

"It's just my parents." I sniffle.

He stares at me waiting for me to go on.

"They died when I was 13. They were murdered. Hit and run. My parents may not have been the best of people but they were still my parents and they loved me so much. And I loved them so much. I just don't know how I've survived this long without my parents. JJ is all I have left. None of my family wants anything to do with the drug addicts daughter." I say running out of breath.

"Jade.. Hey.. I'm here okay? I don't plan on going anywhere." He says putting a hand over mine.

"Why are you so nice to me. You are the notorious bad boy. The troublemaker. I'm just a no one that gets shit every day from the popular sluts because I refuse to dress like a tramp and not act like a Malibu barbie doll." I grit my teeth.

"You're different." He says.

"Different?" I ask.

"You're pretty. You have a fantastic personality. You know how to fight. You've remained so strong through all the crap life has put you through." He states.

It makes me smile a little.

"Y'know you're pretty mushy for a bad boy." I giggle.

"Oh shut your face and kiss me." He demands.

I blush so hard.

"W-what?" I say.

"Kiss. Me." He replies.

With that I lean in and kiss him. He grabs both sides of my face to make the kiss more passionate. I wrap my arms around his neck while feeling my lips gently brush against his.

Possibly the best kiss I've ever experienced or am I being over dramatic again?

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