Chapter 12: Someone's Going To Pay

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Son of a bitch. That douche bag got a hold of Jade. I drive down to the kids school as fast as I can not even worried about getting pulled over at this point. The blood in my veins is boiling. This kid is going to wish he was never alive.

I pull into the school and park my car running inside to the front office.

" 'Scuse my ma'am, I'm looking for the nurses office." I tell the woman at the desk.

"Down the hall, to the right and three doors down." The woman says.

I run off in that direction and enter the nurses office and see Jade laying down with an ice pack on her head. Landon is sitting right next to her looking as tired as ever. The nurse isn't in the room and I'm thankful because she doesn't need to hear what I'm about to say.

"Landon, what the hell happened." I say.

"We were about to drive off to school this morning when she got in my car, looked at her phone, got out and walked off out of sight. After about 20 minutes of searching for her I pulled into school and heard someone scream. I went to go check and I saw Axel standing over her." Landon says.

I clench my fist and sigh.

"Where is he now?" I ask.

"I don't know. I beat the shit out of him before Jade pulled me off." He replies. "I broke his nose."

"Good. That bastard is going to get more than what he got later." I say. "Take Jade to your place and let her rest. Do you want help carrying her to your car?"

Landon immediately picks her up bridal style.

"Dude she's like 120 pounds if even." He laughs.

Landon carries her off to his car while I head to my car as well.

Thinking of the many ways to hurt that douche bag.

Landon P.O.V

I carry Jade inside and lay her on the bed and cover her up with the thick black satin blanket. She's so peaceful when she sleeps. I lay next to her on top of the blanket, watching her sleep just in case she wakes up.

I must've fallen asleep because I'm awoken by Jade stirring in her sleep. She keeps mumbling something over and over but it's hard to make up. I chuckle. She's moaning in her sleep. I try to contain my laughter when I finally make out what she's saying.

"Landon.. Landon.." She says.

I get under the blankets and wrap my arm around her waist and pull her close to my chest. She keeps mumbling in her while I put my other arm under her and wrap it around her chest pulling her even more against my chest. She settles down and returns back to her peaceful sleep. Definitely using that as blackmail. And with that I fell asleep.

Several hours pass and I'm woken up by Jade again. She woke up and she's struggling to get out of my grip. I try to hide my smile and act like I'm still asleep. I roll on top of her and she squeals.

"Landoooon! You're heavy!" She squeals.

I chuckle and let her up. She gets up and glares at me.

"It's not funny!" She says.

"Oh? Shall I repeat what you said in your sleep?" I smirk. "Ohhh Landoooon!" I moan.

She blushes a deep red.

"That didn't happen!" I defends herself.

"Why so defensive about it then, sweetcheeks." I chuckle. "C'mon lets get you some fresh bandages."

We go into the bathroom and Jade tries sitting on the counter but she's too short. I laugh and she glares. I grab her by her butt and sit her on the counter.

"That's for looking. Not touching." She says.

"Well I just did both." I laugh and pull out the first aid kit.

I pull off the bandage above her eye and pour a little peroxide on it. She winces.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry but I have to." I say dabbing the cotton ball drenched in peroxide on her head.

She looks up at me with a soft, caring look that would make anyone melt. I put butterfly bandages on her head and put the first aid kit away.

"Landon.." She whispers and her voice cracks.

I chuckle and walk over to her and she immediately wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me in to kiss me. Our lips crash against each other. Over and over.

I hoped that kiss would be plural and now it is. I don't know how someone so sweet could've been treated so horribly. Wherever JJ is I hope he makes him pay.

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