Chapter 4: Breaking Ice

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~Landon P.O.V~

I lie in bed at night and glance at my phone. 1:49 am. Shit I really have to sleep. But how could I? All that was on my mind was how I was going to break through Jade's tough girl act. She seems like a sweet person with a shitty backstory. Hopefully I can break through to her. Show her someone cares. You're insane. You just met her why do you care. There's just something about her. She's so mysterious it kills me. No one can be that secretive. How can you go your whole highschool career without having anyone to support you? Friends? Boyfriend? Girlfriend? Oh my god is she a lesbian? Hot.

I close my eyes running scenarios in my head of how tomorrow might go. Will she open up to me? Will she hit me? Oh no don't let her hit me. Is she going to just completely bail on me?

She doesn't have anyone. I could try to change that but she is so.. So close minded. Yeah. Close minded. She needs people in her life to hold her up so she doesn't feel so alone.


I hadn't even realized I fell asleep. I woke up 10 minutes later than what my alarm is supposed to wake me. I finally stroll out of bed and enter my bathroom while looking at my massive bed head. I just laugh and do my business then brush my teeth. Suddenly my phone rings. I rush into my room to answer it.

"Hello?" I say with my voice cracking a little.

"Yo Landon. I need you to do me a favor." The voice says.

It takes me a moment to register who it is. JJ.

"Yeah JJ, what's up?" I ask.

"Pick Jade up and take her to school with you. One of my homies was murdered last night and I don't want her walking to school by herself." JJ replies.

"Alright dude. When do you want me to be there?" I ask.

"Now." He says and hangs up the phone.

Shit. I rush to get ready putting on my black skinny jeans and a hoodie. I grab my keys and wallet, say goodbye to my mom, and head out the door. I rush into my car and quickly back out of the long drive way. Pulling out onto the main road I nearly floor it to JJ's gym.

I get there in 6 minutes tops and see Jade just walking out and locking the door. I sigh relieved and honk. She looks up at me and walks over to my car.

"What in the hell are you doing here?" She asks leaning against my car.

"JJ wanted me to pick you up cause of some stuff that went down last night. Don't be stubborn. Don't argue. Just get in." I say firmly.

"Bossy." I hear her mumble.

She gets in my car and looks around in the back.

"Not a bad car. Honestly my dream car." She says.

I smile and back out of the parking lot. It's 6:00 and almost a half hour drive to school. Which means an hour walk for Jade. I look over at Jade and she's shivering. She's wearing shorts and a crop top band shirt with worn down converse. No wonder she's cold.

"Jade there's a hoodie on my back seat." I say looking back at the road.

"I-I'm fine." She stutters running her arms.

"It's 50 degrees out, put the damn hoodie on." I say being as stern as I can.

She actually listens and puts on the hoodie.

"Wow I'm shocked you listened. Tough girl." I laugh.

Man if stares could kill, hers would pierce right through my heart. I just laugh even harder and she punches my arm.

"Ow! God damn!" I yell.

"You deserved it." She says leaning back in her seat and crossing her arms.

After a few minutes of silence she opens up her phone she starts messaging someone. Wait I thought she didn't have friends. I try to glance over at her phone but she's real careful about it.

"I thought you didn't have friends." I say a bit cold.

"I..I don't. Someone just informed me of something important." She says nervously.

"Well.. Everything okay?" I ask.

"No.." She trails off.

She looks like she's about to cry. Yep. Tears slowly start falling down her face as I pull into the school parking lot. She tries to hide it but it's clear as day.

"Hey.. Jade.. It's okay.." I say while parking the car.

She doesn't reply to me or even give me a snide remark. She rushes out of my car and nearly runs into school. What the hell. I get out and chase her inside. She weaves through everyone in the hallway and I finally catch up to her. She stops cold in the middle of the hallway staring at something further down the hall. I stare in her direction and see she's staring at a guy. Roughly 6'3 and built like a football player. The guy looks up and stares directly at her. He smirks and starts walking in her direction. Jade turns to run and she slams right into my chest.

"No no no Landon we have to get out of here please." She says trying to get around me.

"Jade what is going on?" I say holding her in place.

The guy finally reaches us and grins wider at Jade.

"Hey there." He says with a laugh.

Jade looks like the life was sucked right out of her. She instantly becomes pale and turns to look up at me with pleading eyes full of tears. I grab onto her shoulders, turn around and walk off with her. She immediately starts bawling.

"Jade talk to me." I say with an icy tone.

"I'm fine." She wipes her face and runs into the girls bathroom.

What are you going to do? I sigh to myself and walk off to class. She's so damn secretive. It's rather irritating. Not realizing how pissed I was I slam the door when walking into my first period. Everyone stares but I don't care. I look around the room as I take my seat and see a familiar face.

That guys face.

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