Chapter 10: That Kiss

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Landon P.O.V

I couldn't get to sleep. I kept thinking about the kiss with Jade. Her soft warm lips grazing against mine. It was amazing. I never knew such a delicate soul who has been hurt so much could show so much emotion through one action. She was so perfect. I've had a crush on her since we were freshman in highschool. Now we're seniors. It's crazy to have a crush on someone for that long. They say if your crush surpasses 4 years you're most likely in love. I wonder if Jade has any feelings for me. Of course she does you idiot she leaned in to kiss you first. I wish I could replay that moment over and over again. It was so perfect. I want to go into her room and tell her how I feel. You've always gone solo except for sluts and make out sessions dude. My conscious is an asshole. I genuinely like her. I'm going to do everything I can to make her happy.

I wake up and it's 7:38 am. I groan and curse to myself.

"Why so early." I say as I stretch and get out of bed.

Check on Jade. I get dressed in a hoodie and sweatpants and make my way to her room. I don't even knock I just open the door and find her sitting in a bean bag chair holding an Xbox controller.

"Jade?" I say.

She looks up at me and I immediately can tell she hasn't slept yet.

"Yeah." She says taking her eyes off me and turning her attention back to whatever game she was playing.

I walk in the room and see she's playing smite. I don't have smite on my Xbox. I look down at the console she's playing on and it's not mine.

"Jade is that yours?" I say pointing to the console.

She nods. Never taking she eyes off the screen.

I laugh.

"I didn't know you were a gamer." I chuckle.

"I didn't know you were curious George." She replies.

I watch her play. She's playing as a god named Medusa and totally kicking ass.

"Well don't just stand there, turn on your console, grab a controller and let's destroy kids." She says pointing to the bean bag next to her.

"But Jade you haven't slept yet." I say.

She just shrugs.

"I'll play later. Would you like to go somewhere to get breakfast?" I ask.

She looks up at me and rubs her tummy.

"Jade hungry." She giggles.

Okay that was fucking adorable.

I laugh and hold out my hand for her to get up. She grabs it and shuts off the Xbox.

"How does McDonald's breakfast sound?" I ask her.

Her eyes light up like a little kid in a candy store.

"I haven't had that in years." She smiles.

"Well I haven't been up this early voluntarily in years." I laugh. "Let's go."

"In this?" She says pointing to her sweatpants and over sized shirt.

"It's not like anyone's up this early on a Saturday anyways." I reply.

She laughs and follows me out of the room. I grab my keys and we make our way down the stairs.

My mom should be asleep still but I leave her a note saying we would be back and we leave the house and head for the notorious place where Americans can be fat and not be judged.

We're driving down the road in complete silence. Jades staring at me.

"You know staring isn't nice." I say startling her.

"Sorry." She says.

I laugh.

"What's on your mind?" I ask having an answer in my head.

"Last night." She says.

Yep I called it.

"What about it?" I respond.

"Just.. I'm shocked.. I guess." She replies.

"Shocked?" I kind of chuckle.

"I didn't think I was your type.." She says.

"My type? What do you think my type is?" I ask.

"You.. Uh.. You kind of go after whores." She stutters.

I can't help but laugh.

"They're just to pass the time. Take my mind off stuff." I laugh.

"Oh." She says.

Silence. I park the car outside McDonald's and look at Jade. She's nearly in tears.

"Jade tell me what's wrong. You've shed enough tears these last few days." I say touching her arm.

"I just don't get it. You don't even know me. You don't know what I'm like. For all you know I could be some crazy killer and you wanted to kiss me. I just do not get it." She says trying to hold herself together.

I smile.

"Jade that's why I agreed to have you stay at my place. So we could get to know each other better." I say.

"R-really?" She asks turning her head and looking at me.

"Yes. Of course. Now let's get you food. Your stomach is starting to scare me. It sounds like a whale during mating season." I chuckle.

She blushes and gets out of the car. She's so pretty. Even dressed down and without makeup. She's just pure perfection.

And I hope that kiss becomes plural.

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