Chapter 15: Comatose

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Landon P.O.V

This should not of happened. What was she thinking? She is going to get the talk of her life when she wakes up.

It's been several days since the event. Her doctor claimed her comatose due to the drugs that were in her system. That prick must've injected her with something. They wouldn't exactly tell me anything else because I wasn't the one on her files to be talked to. JJ was. When I called him and told him he immediately drove over to see her but she was in surgery getting the knife removed. It wasn't a small knife either. It was a bit long, like a hunting knife and had a red jewel lined with gold on the handle. The other side of the knife had a crest on the side of it. The police came and bagged the knife but thanks to my intelligence I took a picture of the crest in secret so I could show JJ.

The days go by so slowly and I have refused to leave her room. I hired a caretaker for my mother since I can't be at her side for the moment. Every bit of every day I sit here, I keep saying to myself: "Jade wake up.. Please.."

JJ comes and visits 3 or 4 times a day and brings me food insisting I needed to eat when I had no appetite at all.

"You know she wasn't always this vulnerable." JJ says shovelling food in his mouth while looking over at Jade.

"What do you mean?" I ask barely picking at my sandwich.

"She used to be this sweet girl when I first met her. When her parents first died she was really sad and depressed but she was so sweet. When she was older and leaned why her parents died, she became vengeful and angry. She started dressing in all black. Wearing dark makeup. Acting out. Doing drugs. Getting into fights. Getting arrested. So after I had enough of going down to the jail to get her, I proposed an alternative if she didn't get in trouble anymore. Boxing. Taking all of her anger out on a bag instead of herself or others." JJ explains.

JJ leaves half an hour later and I barely eat half of my sandwich when I walk out of her room to throw away my trash. Suddenly there's a long drawn out beep coming from her room. Jade's heart monitor flatlined. No no no. Jade is out of bed and pulling out her IV's and her heart beat monitor.

"Jade you have to get back in bed." I say to her hearing the nurses and doctors running down the hall.

She stares at me with a blank expression barely able to hold herself up. The nurses and doctors charge into the room and try to urge her to lay back down. She fights the doctor trying to push past him and exit the room. The doctor quickly pulls out a syringe with clear liquid in it and injects it in Jade's arm. It takes a few seconds but neurotic Jade goes completely limp. The nurses carry her back to her bed and lay her back down.

"Is she going to be okay..?" I ask the doc.

"Yes she should be fine. The sedative should only last a few hours. Her outburst wasn't really the reaction everyone else has when they wake up, which is odd. When she wakes up we're going to have to test her vitals again." He explains.

Jade why are you doing this to yourself?

I sit there staring at her for a few hours when she finally wakes up and looks around the room. I immediately get up to stand at her bed side.

"Don't even think about it, missy." I growl at her.

She smiles and I can see tears forming in her eyes.

"Thank you.." She croaks.

"Jade don't thank me. But we are going to talk about this. Okay?" I tell her pulling out my phone to call JJ.

JJ picks up almost instantly.

"Yeah man? Everything good?" He asks.

"She's awake." I tell him.

"Okay I will be there as soon as I can. I'm sorting some things out." He says and I hang up the phone.

Jade takes a deep breath and sighs.

"I don't know what I was thinking Landon." She says.

I stare at her for her to explain herself.

"I got a call from a blocked number.. I should of known." She stutters.

"Hey. Hey, we'll talk about this when you get out of here okay? I don't need you worked up. Now stay put, and I mean it, I'm going to find your doctor so he can test your vitals." I say walking out of the room and looking at her one last time before starting off down the hall.

I find her doctor talking with a couple that looks extremely exhausted and upset. I lean against the wall waiting for him to finish when he turns around face looks up at me.

"She's awake." I say motioning for him to follow me.

We get to her room and Jade hadn't dared to move a muscle. Good. She's learning. The doctor takes a flashlight out of her pocket and waves the light from left to right in front of her face.

"You have a concussion, dear. Besides that, your wound and the drugs we found in your system, you are fine." He said writing something on the numerous sheets of paper attached to the clip board.

Jade looks at me worried.

"D-drugs?" She stutters.

"He injected you with something Jade. Lab results should be here in a few days so we can determine what it really is." I say looking over at the doc who just gives me a slight nod.

"We're going to keep you over night just in case, alright?" Doc says and exits her room.

Jade sighs again. I get a text from JJ:

Don't repeat this to Jade. I'm getting a few of my boys to get this motherfucker. You, me and the boys are going to have a long "talk" with him.

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