Chapter 23: A Day In

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Landon P.O.V

I've decided that I'm going to take off from school until Jade is able to go back with me. I called the school and told them I'd be taking off because I needed to take care of Ms. Jade Augustine because her current guardian is out of town. It's 7:29am and I'm laying next to her as she's fast asleep. I keep thinking of things to do with her since she cannot leave the house and I had a brilliant idea. The whole day dedicated to gaming. She can yell and scream at the game and tell me how shit I am at it because it's her day. I want to make the best of it and I want her to be happy. I'd do anything to make her happy.

I didn't realize I had fallen asleep again and I look over at my phone and it says 11:11am. Holy shit did I really sleep that long? Jade is miraculously still sleeping. I gently stroke her arm and kiss her neck and she starts to move in her sleep. I smirk and continue to kiss her neck and she starts to make noises in her sleep. I open my eyes a little and notice what kind of noises they were. Ohhh boy. I bite her neck ever so softly and she stirs even more. I whisper "Jaaaaaaadeeee" in her ear quietly and she wakes up in a daze.

"Hmmm?" She says very much half asleep.

"It's time to wake up princess." I say still kissing on her neck.

She moans a little and doesn't tell me to stop. I run my hands down her thigh back to her waist over and over. She continues to show me she does in fact like it no matter how hard she tries to cover it up. I just chuckle and whisper in her ear again.

"Hey princess if you get up we can have a little fun." I say softly.

She rolls over and faces me. She raises her eyebrow a little.

"Y..yeah..? What kind of fun?" She says with her voice quivering.

I run my hand to the top of her waist line right above her shorts and trace it up her stomach. She bites her lip and squirms around a little.

"I was thinking play all your favorite games and eat all your favorite foods?" I chuckle and move my hand away.

She actually looks disappointed for a second when I took my hand away. But then she just smiles and nods.

"I'd love that." She says leaning forward to see if I would meet her half way and kiss her.

Of course I lean in and kiss her hard and bite her lip gently as I pull away.

I just smirk. "You should shower and get dressed in something comfortable and I'll do the same and we can just veg out all day, sound good?" I say to her as I get up off the bed.

"Sounds amazing." She says looking so happy as she slowly gets up from the bed and limps to the door.

"Let me know if you need help or anything okay? I won't be far." I say.

"Yeah yeah yeah." She says sarcastically walking out of the room.

I just chuckle and make my way to one of the guest bathrooms. While I'm in the shower I can't help but think about the bed scenario. She really looked like she wanted it right there.. why didn't you do it Landon... CAUSE YOU'RE A GENTLEMAN THATS WHY. I sat there for several minutes cursing myself under my breath. She's unlike anybody you've ever been with before. You haven't actually asked her to be official with you. Ask her. Ask her to be yours. I smile at my thoughts and get out the shower.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2018 ⏰

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