Chapter 13: Versatile

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Landon P.O.V

Jade has settled into my house extremely well. Her and my mom are really close now and she's been taking care of her while I've had to go out and run errands or hang with friends. My mom continually suggests me to ask Jade to be my official girlfriend because as she says she can "clearly see we like each other." I want to but Jade is just going through a lot, especially with what happened with Axel. Man I hope that prick gets his. Jades bruises and cuts are still there but have faded slightly. She looks better every day but she's still not 100 percent, mentally or physically. Ever since that day she's barely eaten and she's spaced out a lot. One night we were sitting at this diner waiting for our food and she was just completely spaced out. Her eyes looked so lifeless. So sad. So depressed. When she spaces out its like looking directly into the most vulnerable part of her. I wish there was something I could do. Since then Jade has woken up screaming and crying and she only calms down when I'm around. I decided to hold her while she slept so she won't have episodes and so far it's worked great.

Jade and I are supposed to go into the next city over and visit the mall to buy her a new wardrobe because my grandparents want to meet her and well.. Jade only has a few outfits. Jade hardly ever wears color and I can see why. She always wears black. Black on black. It's hot. Although I don't think my grandparents would appreciate that so we have to buy her all new clothes and I feel like it'll be difficult because Jade is picky. I've learned that just by watching what she's been eating since her stay here. She loves extremely spicy foods and she isn't a fan of sweets. Ironic considering how sweet she really is when you get to know her.

"Jade are you ready? It's a long drive." I say standing outside of her door.

"Yeah.. Give me a minute.." I heard her say weakly. It sounded like she was crying and I wanted to help but I remember what my mom had said to me. If she wanted you to know she'd tell you; don't pry. If you don't ask her what's wrong it'll kill inside and drive her crazy so she'll just tell you anyways.

My mom is such a smart woman and she can really help me crack Jade. She was tough physically. She acted tough emotionally but in reality she's just a puddle of tears that should never of been shed. Especially by that douche bag. He didn't deserve her. He still doesn't deserve her. He is an abomination on this earth and I hope JJ takes care of it.

She finally comes out of the room while I'm just standing against her door frame scrolling through my phone.

"I'm ready." She sniffles.

I turn around and head down the stairs listening to her shuffling her feet behind me. She looked so sad. It's killing me not to say something but I'm just going to listen to my mom. She always knows best. Especially with girls. My mom never really approved of the girls I was always bringing home. They never really connected with her and she never really connected with them. Most of the chicks I brought home were girls who liked me or has crushes on me. And most of them turned out to be skanks but I shrugged it aside.

In the midst of my internal monologue I hadn't even realized we were well over half way to the mall. Jade had stayed completely silent while she scrolled through her phone. A phone that was painfully old. Another thing we have to get at the mall according to my grandmother. My grandparents were loaded. Years and years of good luck on the lottery and auctions really paid off. They had more money than even I, greedy of them all, knew what to do with.

We finally pull into the mall and get out of the car. This shall be fun.

"Alright so here's the deal. I'm gonna give you one of my credit cards and you're going to go buy whatever you want. On one condition. You pick out a very pretty, non-black, dress and a pair of heels to match, to meet my grandparents. Also, around 12:30 we will meet up in the food court to get something to eat. Do we have a deal?" I ask her.

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