Chapter 12

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I ask Fury to give me tools for me to work, because it is boring. He let me build weapons. Why? Because If I scratch this cell, the grip will be weakened and the cell will fall 30.000 meters more or less. Right now, I am creating a portable sniper, and a scythe. I decide to sing, because the silence is killing me. 

  Ever since I could remember,
Everything inside of me,
Just wanted to fit in 
I was never one for pretenders,
Everything I tried to be,
Just wouldn't settle in 

If I told you what I was,
Would you turn your back on me?
And if I seem dangerous,
Would you be scared?
I get the feeling just because
Everything I touch isn't dark enough
That this problem lies in me

I'm only a man with a candle to guide me,
I'm taking a stand to escape what's inside me.
A monster, a monster,
I've turned into a monster,
A monster, a monster,
And it keeps getting stronger.


2 years later.

Still caged. I had finish my weapon early. I improve my personal security to my privacy. The firewall is unbreakable. S.H.I.E.L.D had try to break in, but they failed miserably causing all of their computers to turned off. Fury was mad at me, but I intend to keep it that way.

I'm in my cage, drawing. My sketch book is almost full. I left a space in the end for the happiest memory. I stare to the oh-so-interesting-glass. Nothing to do, my eyes are about to close until a booming voice come through the speakers. 

"Reaper we are letting you out. You are wanted on the deck with director Fury."Says a guard through the speaker. The doors suddenly opens. I carefully put my portable sniper (because a handgun is too mainstream) in my holster. The size of the portable gun is about half meter. I carefully walk out from the cell and start walking to the deck. Fury has a desperate face. His one eye glares at me.

"What do you want?" I ask

"I want you to assist the avengers to find something for me."

"Why would you think I would accept it?"

Fury gives me a tablet. I turn on the tablet. What I see is unbelievable. The tesseract. The long lost tesseract. Fury has it and it has been stole by....... Loki ?? I give the tablet to Fury with wide eyes.

"Are you in or not?"

"What if I say no?" I say smugly. 

"Then we have to put you back in the cell. Give me the answer."

"Yes." Fury eye me with a victorious smirk

Loki... What have you done?  

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