Chapter 14

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Azul P.O.V

Loki... he isn't himself. The Loki I know have emerald eyes instead of blue. Someone is controlling him. After Iron Man arrive, I try to make my presence unknown.

"Who are you?" says Iron man in his robotic voice.

Well my sneaky attempt is a failure. I turn to him to see his mask lifted.


"Fury doesn't enlist you in the avengers initiative."

"Because I never was."

I hurry fast walk to the quin jet to be hug by Nat.

"I miss touching you!"


"Because of the glass you know. I see you came here to see the criminal."

I snap my head to her. I never tell her that I love Loki, and I like to keep it that way.

"My world's business Nat."

She nods then goes back to her seat.

I sit on the chair in the back. After a while, Loki enters the jet with Captain and Stark. He is seated in front of me. Captain is standing behind the pilot seat with Stark beside him. Nat takes off and start heading to S.H.I.E.L.D. Along the way Loki keep staring at me. I know he attempt to read my mind which I easily block. He just eyes me confusingly.

Seeing him after all of this years. I don't know if I should be happy or sad. My emotions are mixed into one. I feel happy seeing him, but I don't want him to see me in this situation. This thoughts are making me dizzy.

"I don't like it." says Captain

"What, rock ages giving up so easily?" Says Stark

"I don't remember it being ever that easy. This guy packs a wallop."

"Still.. you're pretty spry for an older fellow. Whats your thing pilates?"


"It's like calisthenics. You might have missed a couple things, you know, doing time as a Capsicle."

Suddenly there are lightning rumble. I snap my head up. I know whats this going to be. Loki has a frightened face.

'Where is this coming from?" Says Nat.

"What's the matter? Scared of a little lightning?" Says Captain Smugly.

"I not overly fond what it follows."

"Thor." I say, loud enough for Loki to hear. he eyes me with a startled face.

The jet suddenly rumbles again, then there is Thor. He grabs Loki on the neck and start to escape.

"Now there's that guy."

"Another Asgardian?"

"Do you think he's friendly?"

"Doesn't matter. If he frees Loki or kills him, the Tesseract's lost."says Stark as the door opens.

"Wait Stark! We need a plan of attack!"

"I have a plan! Attack!" Retorts Stark.

"Wait!" I say with my hoarse voice. I quickly grab a parachute and start to follow Stark. I see Loki standing on the rock. Why isn't he escaping?This is the chance. I land behind him.

"Not many people can sneak up on me you know."

I just shrug. We see Thor fighting with Iron Man. Quite a show.

"Who are you?"Ask Loki.


"Your real name."

"Do you expect me to tell you my real name after you tried to kill thousands of people?"


He is getting more annoying than before.

" I go by many names and never sticks long with one of them."

"Such as?"

"Reaper, Caitlyn, Jenny, Rena, Jenna, Vanya, Yolanda,.... Azul."

He stares me with a startled face. Before he got a chance to speak something. A blast of energy knock us down. This is going to be complicate.

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