chapter 6

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I've lost count of days. I may have been here for a year. I've grown because I have no choice. My training difficulity has been increased these days. I have my own coach, more evil and strict. I learn much quicker than the rest. I already have black belts in taekwondo, and many more. I have my twin katanas, which I can summon anywhere I want. I've learn kendo, and many more art of swords.

Natasha and I have been surviving. We passed many test, that others cannot passed. We already learn 3 lngaunge, how to deactivate a bomb, and interogating people. Right now, we are being test. The test is to not say anything to the enemy. I am strapped in a chair, a man asks question in front of me.

"Tell me who are you working for?!" He shout

"No one!!!" I say desperatly. I want this to end.

"DO NOT LIE TO ME OR I WILL KILL YOU!" He say screaming in front of me.

"I said no one!!" I scream

He start to stab me in the shoulders. I grunt in pain.

"Tell me!! Do not lie or I will kill you!!"

"I am not lying! I do not work for anybody!" He is going to stab me until a voice say.

"Enough. She pass. Put the next person."

My tie has been released, and I am dragged by a man. Right now, I am sitting in the medical area. The nurse sticth my wounds then push me away, meaning I need to go back to my room.

In my room, lays Natasha. Her eyes widened when she sees me

"Are you okay?? Did you pass?"

"I passed. And I am okay."

"Come here." She say while patting a space between her. Natasha has been a motherly figure and a big sister to me.

"You have beautiful hair Azul." She say while braiding my hair. I let out a laugh. I start to eye the window, seeing a bird chirping in front of it. Reminding me of my wings, reminding me of Asgard, reminding me of my love loki.

"What does it like to be free once again?"

"It would be heaven on earth. We can live our life normaly, have normal jobs, have a lover. I would do anything to have that." Natasha say while braiding my hair. How is Loki in Asgard? How is his condition? What happened to the marriage? Million questions appear in my head.

"Some day, I will be like that bird over there." I point to the bird.

"You want to fly?"

"I want to be free once again. I can feel warmth of the sky, the calmness of the night, the wind on my face."

"I will make you free one day Azul." She say while finishing my braid. "There, aren't you beautiful?" She say while smiling.

I grin. And hug her. "What will I become without you Nat?" I say while shedding silent tears. "Sing for me Azul. I have always love your voice,"

Make my wish come true let darkness fade to light
Show me there's still hope
Show me it's not over
Battles we can win, if we believe our soul
Hanging to the light till dawn

Fate will not leave you
Hate will not heal you
Pray and one day, peace shall flow

She smile then start to lay on the bed " I'm going to take a nap." She say. I answer with a nod. I want to ask Loki's condition to Heimdall
"Heimdall, how is Loki's condition?"

"His marriage will be held tomorrow my lady, I am sorry."

'It is okay Heimdall."

I start to cry silently. I cannot do anything. I am helpless. I need a miracle.

Wassup?!! How da ya like my story?? If yoh like make sure to click the like button and comment. Bubeyyy!!! ♡♥♡♥

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