17. Is this okay?

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In celebration of me seeing The Scorch Trials today, here's an early update!
Stiles POV:
"WHAT THE HELL!" Lydia screamed at her tv. We sat in the living room and after discovering that Lydia had never seen a single episode of The Walking Dead, I insisted that we watch season one. She was mine. Lydia was finally mine.

"Why don't they die when you shoot the heart?" She asks and I sigh.
"Shoot them in the brain. That's the only 'living' thing in them." I explain for the third time. I turn so I can watch her instead of the tv. She was so beautiful and I still couldn't believe that I could actually call her my girlfriend.

Cautiously, I slip my hand behind her back, placing my fingers on her opposite waist and pulling her closer to me.
"Is this okay?" I ask her, knowing she'd never been in a relationship before and never done couple things like this.
She looks up at me before lifting her legs onto the couch and leaning into me, her head resting on my shoulder. I grinned to myself, not believing that anyone wouldn't want to go out with Lydia Martin.
Monday, Lydia's POV:
Stiles had soon left after finishing the fifth episode of his favorite show. But I couldn't stop watching it. It was now Monday morning and I had stayed up all of Saturday night into Sunday watching episode after episode. I was now towards the middle of season three and was totally addicted.

I trudged into English, my appearance not as spectacular as it could've been. Tight blue t-shirt, natural wavy hair, sweatpants, boots and glasses. I go to my normal spot and slump in my seat, closing my eyes.
"What's a matter with you, Martin?" Stiles' voice startles me and I turn around in my chair, smiling.
"What's a matter with me? What's a matter with you!" I say in my best Robert De Niro voice and Stiles grins.

"Seriously though, you've got designer bags under your eyes." He points to my face and I groan.
"You got me addicted to The Walking Dead! I watched it the rest of the weekend and I'm already on season three." I say and his eyes widened.
"Really?" He chuckles and I spastically nod my head.

He seems really impressed by my nightly dedication and he chuckles a little.
"Your a douche for making me watch it. Now I don't have time for Evan Peters." I turn back around as Stiles let's out a quick laugh.
"Martin." He whispers and I roll my eyes, turning back around. I raise my brows to signify 'what?'.

He grins and pulls out an old, tattered up book from his bag. I gasp and grab it from him.
"I lied when I said I didn't know where your book was." He says and I look up to him.
"Did you read it?" I ask. He seems undecided, as if when he tells me he'll get in trouble.

"Like... Ten times. It's my new favorite but, who's the author?" He asks. Ten times? In a week? This book was 2/3 the size of a Harry Potter and he'd read it ten times.
"Uh... My uncle, actually. It never got published and I just keep re-reading it. It's practically a physical part of me." I smile, my eyes glued to my book the whole time.

"Now it's a part of me too." Stiles grins and I look up, my eyes connecting with his. "Girlfriend." He adds and I laugh, lightly punching him in the shoulder.

The bell rings and Mrs.whats-her-face walks in but I didn't pay attention to her as she began to speak. Girlfriend. The word sounded so good coming off of his lips and referring to me.

I smile to myself, opening up my book and beginning to re-read it like I had so many times before. Except this time, when I was reading, the thought of Stiles being the only other person to hold this work of literature in his hands, stayed in the back of my head. He would understand if I quoted the book and would agree and disagree with me about certain things but we were the only two people on the planet to have read The Warden and that connected us.

I turn page after page until I'm on chapter four by the end of the class. The bell rings and Stiles taps on my shoulder. I memorize the page number then turn to him. He nods towards the door, gesturing that we should walk together and I smile, grabbing my things and standing.

"Your uncles a very good writer, why didn't the book get published?" He asks as we walk down the hall.
I smile from the corner of my mouth. "He wrote the book for me."
"He what?!" Stiles gets very excited and I laugh, nodding.

"I had the idea for it when I was ten and my uncle would always write short stories so, I made him write me a book based off of my ideas. He'd be in his office on the weekends and I'd sit there and let him write. He'd ask for an idea and I'd tell him and he'd continue to write until The Warden was born." I explain, Stiles' mouth agap as if this was the best thing in the world.

"So essentially you wrote the book as well?" He asks.
I shrug. "I was ten!"
Stiles scoffs and walks towards Harris's class. Our second periods were across the hall from each other so while he stood by his door, I kind of stayed a few feet from him. He leaned against the wall next to the door and opened his arms.

I sighed and leaned into him, wrapping my arms around his back as his hands lie on my waist.
"Is this okay?" He mumbles. Why did he do that? Why did he ask if something was okay before doing it?
"This is perfect." I mumble into his chest. We pull away and he throws me a grin before saying goodbye and walking into class.
"We need a coffee shop." I complain to Stiles, picking at my nails while we sat at our usual lunch table. Allison and Scott weren't here yet because they were five minutes late to class so the teacher made them stay five after. Stiles sat in Allison's usual spot, next to me, and I knew as soon as our friends got here, we'd be showered with questions.

"I agree. I could really go for a vanilla bean frappe  right now." Stiles says, and I throw him a questioning glance.
"You drink Starbucks?" I ask.
"So Starbucks is only for girls?" He throws back.
"No it's just you don't look the type. Especially a vanilla bean frappe."

He shrugs. "It tastes like ice cream." He grins and I giggle. We turn towards the cafeteria doors just in time to see Scott and Allison walking hand-in-hand through the doors. Allison was smiling brightly as Scott spoke, every now and then laughing about something he had said. Scott seems confused upon arriving at the table, seeing his best friend next to me.

"You're in my spot, Stilinski." Allison complains, Scott sitting down in his spot.
"Nooooo... This is my spot." Stiles drags out, giving me a quick wink from the corner of his eye. Allison slowly lowers herself next to her boyfriend, eyes planted on us. First she looks to Stiles, then to me, then back to Stiles and finally back to Scott who doesn't seem to take it further than the fact that Stiles was sitting next to me.

Allison points her finger at Stiles and I.
"Something's up." She squints her eyes and I turn to Stiles, whispering.
"Just let her figure it out on her own." I say and he nods, taking a drink from his water. Allison intently watches us, placing a fry in  her mouth every now and then.
Stiles slips his arm around my lower back, looking to me with those dazzling carmel eyes.

"This okay?" He mumbles and I nod, scooting a little closer to him. Allison gasps, clasping a hand over her mouth.
"Nooooooooo." She mumbles into her palm. Scott perks up, glancing at Stiles before turning to Allison with concern.
"What?" He asks and a sudden sparkle fills Allison's eyes.

"Stydia has finally happened." Allison removes her hand, grabbing Scott's instead like a proud mother.
Stiles furrows his brows. "What the holy hell is a Stydia?" He asks.
"It's your ship name!" Allison exclaims and I roll my eyes.
"You watch WAY too much tv." I say then grab Stiles' arm that was on the table.
"But yes, I suppose Stydia has finally happened." I grin and Allison claps excitedly.
Authors note:
I literally have like nothing to say...
Comment, read, enjoy!

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