10. Horror movie 101

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Lydia's POV:
"You two are going to see a movie? Again?" I ask Allison. We lost the game last night and that was no surprise since he benched three of his best players. And Stiles. I'd told Stiles about the summer. I've never told anyone that before. Now we sat at our regular lunch table, Allison eating a salad while I gnawed in some curly fries.

"Yeah. He also wants to start eating lunch with us."
I look up from my food, my face flush. "No."
"Starting today."
"No. Aw, no,no, no, no, no!! Cause that means-"
"Hey Allison, Martin." Mr.carmal eyes sat down to the right of me while Scott took his place beside Allison. They both had lunch trays full of chicken and tiny little bottles of water and I can feel my face getting paler by the minute.
"Stiles..." I sigh, shoving more fries in my mouth.

This was great. Sure it was almost a dream come true to have my crush, of oh so many years, sit next to me at lunch but not after he figures out something personal about you. Just as soon as they sit down, more of their clique shows up, taking their seats around the table. Jackson, Isaac, Danny and a few of the sluts Stiles has slept with. I stare at Allison and she shrugs, as much confused as I am.

"Do they always follow you around like lost puppies?" I whisper to Stiles. He rolls his eyes and grabs one of my curly fries, popping it in his mouth and I slap his hand away before he can grab another.
"You're not supposed to eat fries, especially the curly ones." He says and I glare at him. No one steals my fries...

"Where'd the scarf go? I thought you were making a fashion statement." I retort.
Stiles licks his thumb and rubs it along his neck. He pulls it away and shows me the skin tinted makeup on his finger.
"You own foundation?" I ask him.
"Halloween makeup I found in the bottom of my closet." He grins. I was never going to get over that grin.

"You never wear your glasses anymore." Stiles takes a sip of his water.
"I tried going back but they bother my nose." I say, scrunching up my nose for effect. He nods as if he'd understand.
"So what are you guys doing while we're at the movies?" Scott asks and Stiles and I exchange looks. We weren't doing anything together.
"Come again?" I ask.
"I just assumed you guys would be hanging out. " Scott shrugs.

Stiles glares at him and Scott almost has a playful smirk upon his face.
"I-I mean we could but... We're not." Stiles says, leaning back in his chair
"We're not?" I repeat, slightly hurt. We didn't have to hang out, in fact either way I didn't care. But the fact that Stiles didn't even take into consideration that we could hang out was a little hurtful.

He turns towards me, regret filling his eyes. "I mean we could go see a movie or something, if you wanted."
"Their seeing a movie. Would we go to the same movie?" I ask.
"No... You like horror movies?"
Hate them. "Love them." I lie.
"Great. Pick you up around five-ish?"
I nod. "Sounds fun."

We both awkwardly turn away from each other just as Jackson opens his mouth. "You know what else sounds fun? Stabbing myself in the face with a fork." He holds up cafeteria silverware to his eye and Danny grabs the utensil from his hand.
"You hate horror movies!" Allison snorts. She sat on my bed, attempting to read a magazine but instead laughing her ass off about what happened at lunch. Meanwhile I stood at my closet, debating Whether or not to change for the movie. Seeing as neither Scott nor Allison had a car to drive, Stiles volunteered to drive us all too the movies since we were going to the same theatre.

"I know! And then Scott with his big ass mouth and that phrase-"
"Hanging out!" Allison falls off the bed in a pit of laughter and I throw one of my shirts at her.
"I can't hang out with Stiles. I like him!" I sigh, flopping on my bed.
"But what about that time you studied with him?"
"We were studying not hanging out." I run my hands over my face.

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