22. What's your biggest fear?

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Two days later, after school, Stiles' house- Lydia's pov:
Stiles was coming home today! I hadn't seen him in what seemed like forever and I couldn't wait so right after school I went to his house. Sheriff Stilinski was there with me for about an hour before he had to head of to work.

Lately he'd been working late night shifts so he was glad someone would be here when Stiles got home. Two hours had now gone by and it was now Six O'clock as I stood in Stiles room, looking through his movies.
Star Wars.
Star Wars.
Star Wars.

He was such a geek. But he was my geek and that's why I liked him.
Another hour passed by and I found myself going through Stiles' closet. That was a waste of time because everything was band t-shirts and flannels.

Another hour and it was now eight o'clock, the night sky finally visible out the windows. I bounce down the stairs of Stiles' home, immediately heading towards the kitchen and open the fridge. Food, food, food, food-click... Door? I turn around and Stiles sets his lacrosse bag on the ground before stretching.

A smile forms on my lips, running to him and jumping into his arms. He stumbles a little, but eventually places his hands on my ass so I don't fall, my legs wrapped around his waist and my arms wrapped around his neck. I lean in, kissing him gently and he smiles into the kiss, staring at me as we separate.

"How long have you been at my house?" He asks and I grin.
"Like... Five hours. I didn't know what time you'd be back." I peck him on the lips. He sets me down and I groan causing him to chuckle as he picks up his lacrosse bag. We both head upstairs to his bedroom and he kicks the bag under his bed, walking over to the closet.

After taking off his shirt, Stiles starts to rummage through his hangers but I come up behind him, wrapping my arms around his torso. I lightly kiss the skin on his back and he chuckles, turning around. "What are you doing?" He asks and my kisses transfer up to his lips. I speak between pecks. "Kissing you."

He places a hand on my waist, pulling me closer to him and my arms snake around his neck. The kissing becomes fuller and our feet start to move us backwards until I hit his bed and we fall to his mattress. And we kiss. And kiss. And kiss repeatedly until slowly his lips move from my lips to my jaw and finally down to my neck where he gently starts to suck, surely leaving marks. I turn my head to the side, closing my eyes and putting my hands in his hair, pressing him further into my skin.

I didn't want to stop but my legs were hanging off the bed and quickly going numb.
"Stiles," I struggle to say as my breathing becomes heavier, "my legs are falling asleep." He moves away from me and we both stare at each other before moving to where our backs rest against his headboard.

My body twists so I can continue kissing him and he swipes his tongue against my bottom lip. I let him in, his tongue searching every crevice of my mouth but once again, I was not comfortable. I separate from him only to crawl on his lap, my legs on either side of his. I place my hands on his chest before crashing our lips back together. It was like a rhythm that only Stiles and I knew, our lips interlocking perfectly like two pieces of a puzzle.

His hands flock to my waist pushing my chest as close as possible to his. But once again I separate, this time peeling my shirt from my body and discarding it on his floor. We both breath heavily through our mouths and Stiles seems genuinely confused by my action. He places his hands on top of my thighs and I can feel his fingers through my jeans.

"What are you doing?" He asks and for a moment we simply stare at each other. My eyes wander over his perfectly sculpted features until eventually they land on his eyes. Those caramel colored eyes I fell in love with the moment I saw them in the third grade. Who would've known it came to this. That we were both staring at each other knowing how much we cared for our long lost childhood friend. I place my hand on his cheek, gently stroking his skin with my thumb.

"Can we?" I ask.
He swallows. "Are you sure?"
Are you sure? There he was. Asking again. I didn't get it. I never got why he did that but it was always a part of him that I'd liked. He interrupts my thoughts by speaking again. "Because I don't want you to think you have to. Just because I-"
"Stiles," I cut him off, "I want to." I whisper. He glances down before nodding his head and reconnecting our lips in a gentle kiss as I start to unbutton his jeans.
Stiles pov:
I breath in deeply, the scent of Lydia inhaling my nostrils and I smile to myself, looking down at her. She lay on her stomach, arms folded underneath her torso, her breathing light and airy and her head resting on my left arm. My blue comforter pulled up barely above her waistline, her body, and mine as well, still bare from our earlier actions.

Gently, her eyes flutter open, a small smile on her lips.
"Hi." She says softly and I grin.
She shifts her position until her chest is pressed against mine, her ear placed against my beating heart. I place my left hand on her bare back, rubbing small circles into her skin.

"How are you?" I ask and she lets out a silent giggle, folding her arms underneath her like before.
"Happy..." She speaks as though she's in a dream.
"Very." She responds and I chuckle. She shifts again, replacing her ear with her chin and looking up at me as I look down at her.

"Thank you." She whispers, smiling so genuine that it pains me no one has felt the way I feel about her. I place a kiss on her head and she returns her cheek to my chest. She moves one of her hands up to the back of my head, twirling my shorter hair with her fingers and closes her eyes.

"What's your biggest fear?" She asks and I sigh, moving hair from her face.
"Dying... And not actual death just slowly, fading, into nothingness... I'm not afraid of death, I'm afraid of dying." I twirl a piece of her strawberry blonde hair between my fingers.

"Why?" She asks. My eyes wander up to the ceiling as I try not to think about it too hard.
"When I was seven, I watched my mom die. I knew she was going to and I had excepted that but I was there. And I held her hand as she took her last breath.....Then she was gone." My voice cracks at the end and Lydia puts her chin on my chest again, her eyes connecting with mine.

"I never knew." She smiles and I place both of my hands on her back, hugging her tighter to me. She breaths in deeply before slipping out from under the covers and walking over to my closet.
"Come back and lay with me! I'm cold now!" I complain, studying her movements.

She waves a finger at me, reaching into my closet and pulling out t-shirt. She slips it over her naked body before sitting on the edge of my bed. I wrap my arms around her stomach, pressing my face into her side and she smiles running her hand through my hair.

"I'm hungry... Are you hungry?" I ask and she laughs, nodding. She stands again and I groan as she walks over to my dresser. She opens one of the drawers and pulls out a pair of boxers, throwing them at me.
"I'm going to go make pancakes." And then she leaves.
Authors note:
I've had so many freaking stydia feels this week like it's un-freaking real. I watched all of the Stydia episodes last night (ya know 1x11, 2x11, etc.) and then freaking Malia with her big ass freaking head! Don't get me wrong I love Shelley and she's a great actress but Malia can go die in a hole.
.... Sorry I just needed to get that off of my chest.😅 FOUR MORE CHAPTERS LEFT AFTER THIS.


Okay so if you listened to the song from two chapters ago (Scotty doesn't know) I did a bit of searching and found a TEEN WOLF PARODY and idk I just flipped out.
Comment, read, enjoy!

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