25. He was the mistake

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Lydia's pov:
Allison and I sat on my bed as I tried to ignore the pain coming from my wrist. I was wrapped in my softest pjs as Allison explained what happened. I didn't believe it. I couldn't believe it.
"You at least have to try and forgive him." Allison pushes and I shake my head.

"You don't get it." I mumble.
Allison stands, infuriated. "Don't get what!? Lydia, he made a mistake!"
"NO. Stiles didn't make a mistake, Stiles is the mistake. The mistake that I made!" I snap and Allison almost immediately softens. She sighs, grabbing her keys from my desk.
"He's not going to stop trying." She says before leaving. I flop back on my bed. I loved Stiles. I loved Stiles but I couldn't. I can't.
Stiles pov:
I lay on my bed, stomach facing the mattress and my baggiest clothing on.
"You look like you're dying." A voice echoes through my room and I lift my head from my pillow. Isaac leans against the doorframe and I sigh, laying back down.
"That's because I am." I mumble and Isaac fully enters. He sits at the end of my bed but I barely acknowledge him.

"Cheer up. It's thanksgiving break!" He pats my back and I try my best to laugh but it doesn't come out.
"I was gonna spend it with Martin." I mutter. Isaac sighs, standing and grabbing one of my pillows before whacking me (actually quite hard, might I add) in the face and I jump up.
"What the hell?!" I question as he throws the pillow back on my bed.

"Stop moping around and go do something about it!"
"Like what? She thinks I cheated on her. She thinks I broke her, probably because I did. She thinks-"
"You don't know what she thinks. You know what you think she thinks." He interrupts. I purse my lips together and he grabs my guitar from its stand in the corner.

"You told me she sang you a song once. Right?" He holds the guitar out and I shrug, taking it from him.
"Yeah, her favorite song." I sit back on the bed.
"Sing her the song." He mumbles and I look up at him.
"Wha-" I glare at him. "I don't sing!" I exclaim, plucking a few of the chords lightly.

"It's either that or write her a book like her uncle did." He makes for my door.
I sigh. "Song it is." But I wanted something more. I couldn't just sing her the song she'd heard a million times and forever. I needed something she hadn't heard. I needed to apologize.
Middle of thanksgiving break. (Thursday) Stiles pov:
"How's it going?" Scott enters my room as I sit criss cross in the middle of my bed, crumpled papers around me and guitar in my lap.
Scott eyes widen as he notices how messy my room is; two liter soda bottles stacked in the corner, my trash can piled high with empty Dorito bags, dirty clothing making the floor barely visible and even myself looking rugged after not sleeping at all last night.

"You look like a zombie." Scott chuckles and I run my fingers over the guitar strings.
"I-I keep telling myself I'm alright... But I'm not... Not even close." I stare at the poster covered wall on the opposite side of my room. Scott picks up an empty red bull can from my bedside table, turning to me.
"When's the last time you slept?" He questions and I shrug.
"Tuesday afternoon... Maybe even Monday." I reply, monotone.

Scott chucks the can over his shoulder, grabbing my desk chair and sitting in my view. I run my hands over the strings of the guitar again.
"What have you been doing?" He asks.
"Learning how to play Lydia's song." I say. Scott rolls his eyes and my fingers naturally start to strum the notes to the song.
"Alison's talked to her." Scott mumbles and I stop playing, looking him dead in the eye.

"What did Allison say? No. What did Lydia say? I-is she alright?" I ask frantically.
"Allison said she's explained it several times until eventually, Lydia banned her from the house until she stopped bringing you up. She's still pretty heartbroken." Scott presses his lips in a thin line and I sigh. I close my eyes, taking in a deep breath and plucking a few strings on the guitar.

"What do you have so far?" Scott asks and I open my eyes. I start to play the keys to Lydia's song.
"Hey Lydia Martin... Da da da ba dada bah..." I sing then mumble the rest of the lyrics I didn't know yet. Scott raises his brows and I stop playing.
"Five days and all you have is 'Hey Lydia Martin' ?" He asks.
"It's harder than it looks! I mean, I know what I did was wrong even though I technically didn't do anything. And then Allison brings her up nonchalantly in a conversation and I start to mentally sing Lydia's favorite part. But it drives me crazy! I can't write." I complain with a groan.

Scotts face brightens and he stutters a bit. "Hold up, say the first thing again."
I stare at him confused but cooperate. "I know what I did was wrong?" I speak in a questioning tone and Scott nods his head.
"Play the song." He snaps and I obey as he starts to say the words more than sing them.
"Hey Lydia Martin, I know what I did was wrong-"
"But every time that Alli talks of you I think back to this song." I interrupt him, the next lyric almost mechanically flowing out of me. Scott nods approvingly and I grab a blank piece of paper, writing it down quickly.

He stands with a sigh and pats me on the shoulder. "I have to go to Allison's. Talk to you later?" He asks, walking towards the door.
"Yeah, yeah. Hey thanks man!" I call after him.
"You have the voice of an angel!" He yells back and I chuckle to myself.
I start to play again, silently singing to myself. I had never wanted to go back to school this bad before.
Authors note:
Thank you all for the comments yesterday!!!! I loved it and it made me smile. Y'all are so sweet💜
Um... I really have nothing else to say so just stay tuned I guess?
Comment, read, enjoy!

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