23. Kisses and kissing and even more kiss things

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Lydia's pov:
It was everything I had ever imagined and just a pinch of awkwardness, but it was Stiles. Allison and I stood in the lunch line, her jabbering on about Scott or something and me not listening. I smile to myself. Stiles. I still couldn't get over it.

"What's with you?" Allison asks, paying for her salad.
"Nothing, why?" I ask.
"You're smiling creepily and there's nothing on your lunch tray."
I look down at my tray and she's right so I grab an apple and pay for it quickly.

We walk back to our table, silently, and I sit down next to Stiles. He grins, instantly wrapping his arm around me and giving me a kiss on the lips. I smile, leaning into him.

"What's with you?" Scott asks, taking a handful of chips to his mouth.
"Why is everyone asking me that?! I'm fine." I retort.
"No, you were walking funny." He smacks his lips. Stiles and I exchange a look and I awkwardly grab his water, taking a sip.

Alison's mouth drops open and she leans towards us.
"Did you two?" She whispers and a chill goes through my body.
"No!" I exclaim and she sits back to normal.
"Yes! That's why your walking funny! You and Stiles-"
"Allison shut up." Stiles interrupts her as she smirks.

Scott looks between the three of us, a blank expression on his face. He raises his hand. "Confused." I roll my eyes. He was such a puppy.
Allison leans closer to him, lowering her voice. "They had sex." Scotts jaw drops open and he looks at his best friend with an almost evil sparkle.

Stiles presses his lips together in a thin line, taking a French fry off of his lunch tray and chucking it at Scott.
"We are none of your business! Allison," he turns to my best friend, "he told me about what you guys did last Sunday."
Allison lets out a sudden gasp, punching Scott in the shoulder and going off on him as Stiles laughs.

"Come on." Stiles takes my hand and I give him a questioning look. Still, when he stands, I stand with him, exiting the cafeteria without another word to our friends.
"Where are we going?" I giggle as he pulls me through the empty halls, peeking around corners to check for teachers. He stops in the middle of the math hall and gives me a quick, gentle, kiss before dragging me along with him again.

Soon we're at the auditorium, the stage, along with the audience seats, completely dark. Stiles grabs his phone from his pocket, turning on the flashlight before walking me down the isle towards the stage. He grabs me by the waist and lifts me onto the stage before climbing up himself and we stare into the pitch black crowd.
"What are we doing?" I ask but he doesn't answer. He unlocks his phone, turning off the flashlight and I grip his arm, causing him to chuckle.

And then he plays a song. But not just any song. My song.

He slips his phone into his back pocket before using his hands to put my arms around his neck. His long fingers wrap around my waist and I lean into his chest as we sway back and forth to Hey There Delilah. I close my eyes, listening to his heartbeat and he rests his chin on my head.

"I like you... Like... I like you a lot." He speaks almost in a whisper and I smile though he can't see me.
"I've always liked you." I whisper, mostly to myself but he catches it, pushing me away slightly so he can try to see my face through the darkness.
"I'm sorry." He whispers. He cups his hands on my cheeks, pulling me closer to him until our lips graze each other.

It was a sweet kiss, but the slow movement of it was teasing so I pushed him closer to me. We separate but I pull together again, enveloping him in another kiss. The bell rings and he groans. "We should go." He whispers, twirling a piece of my hair.
"We could stay." I say back and he chuckles.
"Martin, are you suggesting we skip class to make-out in the dark?" He asks.

I press my body as close as I can to his, kissing him again.
"That's exactly what I'm suggesting."
Authors note:
Very short chapter but y'all are gonna hate me for the next one...
Gonna start updating more often since we're nearing the end😭
Comment, read, enjoy!

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