- One

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[Chapter One]

^Sasha^ (check out the picture above)

As time progressed, I had found myself to sit in the cafeteria at a lone table. People came in and out frequently; greeting each other before throwing me a glance.

It unsettled me slightly but I knew better than to let myself get anxious on the first day.

A loud bell sounded causing me to lightly jump before holding a hand over my chest. My heart was now pounding a mile per minute and a small laugh of embarrassment escaped me.

My timetable was folded into my phone case as I took it out and unveiled it.

First I have home class; and then I'm in C block for science in period two.

Getting to my feet, I carried myself out of the cafeteria and kept a finger on my map to guide myself to my first class. The hallway suddenly became crowded as I stuck to the sides and quietly maneuvered through people.

Once I had made a corner turn, I found my body to hit someone else's before stumbling back. My eyes widened to see the girl in front of me look at her books before looking up at me.

"I-I'm so sorry!" I stuttered apologetically before helping the girl pick up her equipment.

"It's ok." She muttered before we both stood back up. Her brown eyes bore into my hazel ones causing me to swallow down at her intense stare.

As her eyes trailed over my face and body for a short amount of time, she smiled to herself before holding her hand out.

"You must be new," she spoke as I slowly took her hand in mine, "the name's Sasha. But you can call me Sash." Her eyes looked me up and down again before she smiled deeply to herself.

I will admit, she was gorgeous. It was obvious her blonde hair had extensions and I can only assume that she must of had a pet like for pink lipstick as she had worn it; and worn it well.

"Hello, I-I'm Willow."

"Willow." She breathed before taking her hand back. "Well I guess I'll see you around Willow." And with a nod, I watched her continue on before turning the corner.

The bell went a second time and I fumbled with the paper in my hands before resuming on finding my classroom.

* * *

My hands kept in my lap and my eyes stared straight at the teacher at the front. She was calling off names and looking over the class as she did so.

I had gotten many glances from my new class members. Some would try the subtle approach and look without being caught as others would just plain stare. It made me more nervous than anything knowing I had drawn a few people's attention already.

"-and our new student, Willow Davis." The teacher let her eyes scour the classroom before they landed on me. My eyes slightly widened as I gripped the edge of my skirt.

Please don't make me stand up.

"Class, this is Willow. Willow, would you please stand for a moment?" My fists tightened as I gave a stifled nod before getting to my feet.

Everyone's eyes now fell on me as I let go of my skirt and kept my gaze averted to my desk.

"Willow will be joining our class so please treat her nicely and help her feel comfortable." With a nod to my direction, I quickly sat down and kept my eyes on my desk.

I could still feel people staring at me and it was unsettling.

The teacher began to then hand out small purple booklets and I took out a pen before letting myself look out the window beside me.

It was such a nice day outside; I would rather be out there enjoying the day then being in here with people I didn't know.

As the booklet was put down in front of me, I gave a small 'thank you' before staring down at it.

The more I stared, the more I had let my thoughts consume my mind before a flicker went off inside my head. It caused my heart to pick up pace before I found my hands begin to lightly sweat.

Where will I sit at lunch?

* * *

People piled out of the classroom as I put my booklet with everybody else's on the front t desk before following the crowd out into the hall.

Moving off to the side, my hands pulled out my time table again before I searched for my science classroom.

As people's voices began to blur out slightly, I heard a hand slam on the wall beside my face before physically feeling a hot breath over me.

My eyes widened and I slowly lifted my gaze for it to be met with an intense blue pair. My heart beat out of my chest so loudly that I'm pretty sure this person and I could both hear it.

He bit his bottom lip before letting his eyes rack over my entire being making the heat in my cheeks rise. Who was he and what did he want?

"So... Willow huh?" His eyes came back up to mine as I silently nodded and crumpled my paper slightly in my hold. "Where'd you come from?"

His voice wasn't deep, but it was enough to send tingles through my hands and lower back.

"L-London." I choked as he hummed before fixing his posture and smirking at me.

"Well I guess I'll see you later, Willow from London." And with a slow turn on his heel, he made his way into the dispersing crowd.

Quickly regaining myself, I followed the map's instructions before finding myself at my science class, seeing not to many familiar faces.

"Line up class!" The teacher called and I scrambled to the back of the two lines; still nervous as ever.

My first piece of advice, which is more of a house keeping rule, is that when you're angry, do NOT post anything online.

If somebody has just made a really stupid comment or offensive comment on your story, then do not reply. I know it's hard when all you want to do is rip it into them, but trust me; once you've calmed down and can focus properly than you will see that they're just assholes and forget them, or you'll reply to them in such an unaggressive way that they'll look like dickheads.

So word of advice, when you're angry, step away from the keyboard/screen.

Tell me what you think so far :)
All the love, N. xx

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