- Three

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[Chapter Three]

^ Harry, aka Mr Styles ;) ^ (check out in picture above)

I swear time flies with just a blink of an eye. It felt like merely an hour ago that mum had picked me up from school yesterday.

But now I was lining up for my subject class today; I had maths again so I knew where to go.

"Forward in." The teacher stepped aside as our class walked into the premise of the classroom before everyone allocated themselves seats.

I looked around to see a spare seat, different from yesterday, offer itself which I had to take. So I did.

The teacher began again from yesterday about fractions and how to convert them into a certain equation. Though my mind wandered off to the conversation I had with mum yesterday.

She said that as soon as she got to my aunty's house, she just broke down crying; saying how much she still loved her husband but how she couldn't believe how rude he was.

My face rested in the palm of my hand before I felt a paper ball hit my shoulder. With a raised eyebrow, I leant down and picked it up before glancing behind me.

Who could have thrown that?

Hey Willow.

My eyes blinked back as I subtly looked back to see a hand shortly wave at me.

It was Sasha.

She pointed to the note and picked up her pen before insinuating that I wrote back.

Looking down at the piece of paper, I lightly cleared my throat before writing a response.


Looking back, Sasha gestured to her feet before I looked around to see a few eyes quickly look at me before losing interest.

It's now or never.

I threw the note to Sasha's feet before she was quick to retrieve it and have a read over it.

"So I will now hand out ten questions which I all want you to attempt." The teacher said giving papers to two students at the front that went around handing them out.

The paper hit my chair this time but I was quick to take it before reading it out of my lap.

Wait for me outside of class after the bell. Need to tell you something :)

Looking back, I gave a nod as she smiled looking over and beginning to talk to her friends. I put the piece of used paper under my leg before taking my maths sheet.

"Thanks." I mumbled.

* * *

I stood outside the classroom waiting for Sasha, until she finally came out with her friends each side of her. Once she spotted me, she waved them off before coming over.

My heart was beating a million miles per minute; I wonder what she wants to tell me.

"Hey." She smiled flicking hair over her shoulder and putting her phone away into her bra. I held back a cringe before offering a light forced smile.

"Hey." She looked over me before clearing her throat.

"Walk with me." As she said that, she turned and began, not really giving me a choice.

So I followed her down the hall and watched as people easily moved aside for her. She walked with such ease, such confidence.

Sasha must have a high rank around here.

"So I was thinking," she began, tearing me from my thoughts, "I hold a cheerleading team at Holmes Chapel." My eyes widened as she stopped in front of me before turning. "I want you to audition for a spot."

I blinked back profusely before looking down at my hands. Cheerleading? I have never done cheerleading before in my life.

Looking back up at Sasha, she kept her stare at me, waiting for an answer.

Her blank face told me that she was short of time, but the tight smile etching up at the corner of her mouth told me another thing; that I should audition.

"W-why me?" I stuttered. I didn't mean to sound rude. I was just generally nervous and curious as to why she had offered.

"Because you look like apart of our team. And we need another base. So how about it? Second lunch in the gym; cone try out ok?" She asked but it seemed more of a demand.

I could only swallow hard and nod as she perked up at me.

"Great! See you then Willow!" And with that, she turned leaving me to stand alone in the hall.

My fingers began to then fumble before people began to lightly shove me around; so I retreated outside and back towards my table.

I looked like apart of the team?

I didn't know whether to smile or whether to freak out. A cheerleader; she wanted me to become a cheerleader.

Oh god, let's hope I don't embarrass myself.

* * *

I put my phone back into my pocket along with my unfinished juice back into my bag. What did I have now?

Taking out my time table, I checked.

Business. I wasn't so bad at this subject; I just needed to knuckle down and learn as much as I could.

Following the maps instructions, I found myself outside the computer lab block. And you won't believe who stood outside.

He laughed with his friends before his eyes came around and locked onto me; a large smirk taking place on his face.

Muttering something to his friends, he stepped away before making his way towards me. I felt the back of my neck begin to sweat as he was close enough to stop.

"Hey Willow." He began as I looked around to see some eyes on us.

"H-hey." I stuttered as he chuckled and stepped closer making my body freeze.

"So we didn't get to finish our conversation," he leant a hand up and pulled my school tie closer making my heart thump and my legs wobble slightly, "still up for that offer to make you scream?"

Advice !!! :)

Punctuation! Please check that your punctuation is perfect! There is nothing more frustrating to a writer than to see somebody either write in text or simply throw away there work.

You guys and your stories have so much potential, so make sure you take care of your stories; build in your stories.

Editing sucks, I understand. I hate it. You hate it. We all hate it. But taking five minutes to review what you've done and to have it punctually perfect... your readers will appreciate it. Trust me :)

Why did I make Louis a perv? :')
All the love, N. xx

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