- Seven

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[Chapter Seven]

All throughout class, I was trying to focus on what exactly the teacher was saying; but it's really hard when Louis decides to sit next to you and constantly want your attention.

"Psst. Willow!" Louis whispered as I sighed quietly and looked over at him.

"Yes Louis?" I whispered back.

He bit his lip and winked at me as I swallowed hard before looking forward again.

Our teacher had finished what she was saying before letting us watch a video, explaining how to approach life and the attitude you should have.

Once the lights turned off, Louis immediately moved his desk closer to mine as I tried to hide behind my palm.

"Willow." He whispered as his arm wrapped around the back of my chair.

"Y-yes?" I stuttered as he leant his face close to mine making my heart pound even faster.

"What are you doing after school?" He whispered looking forward so nothing would look suspicious when the truth to be told is that everything was suspicious about this.

"I-I don't know."

"Well I do." Louis smirked leaning a bit closer as I slightly leaned away. This boy was so pesky to get me and I don't know why. "Some of my mates and I are going to a small party at some guys flat. Come with."

The thought made me visibly tense, to be surrounded by males that might be drinking and maybe even doing drugs. An uncomfortable feeling shot through me at the thought.

"Oh come on. I'll be there; and I'll make sure nothing happens to you-"

"Louis!" The teacher hissed coming over before he was forced back to where he had sat previously.

I could finally breathe. Closing my eyes, I let my head rest on my purple booklet on the desk.

Maybe I can just sleep everything off.

* * *

I tapped my pen against the desk as I waited for lunch to come around. Louis was beside me, again, trying to convince me to go partying with him.

Harry was close by, but he sat looking over into a space in the classroom. He did that alot. I wonder if it was because he was bored or if it was because he had a lot on his mind.

"My mum wouldn't let me go." I gave Louis my final answer as he sighed and leant back in his chair.

"Alright, fine." He gave in making me smile lightly to myself. "But tomorrow I'm heading to the movies with this one," he pointed at Harry grabbing his attention, "and you're coming with us."

It seemed as though I didn't really have a choice to him.

The bell finally went and Louis walked me out of the classroom with Harry in toll behind us.

"You into horror?" I shook my head as Louis put his fingers on his chin; thinking. "Drama?" I shrugged looking down before he snapped his fingers in realisation. "Apocalypse!" He concluded before Harry came by him.

"She doesn't really care Louis. Just leave it." Blinking back, I watched Harry walked past us with his hands in his pockets and his head towards the floor.

Louis rolled his eyes before smirking at me. "Straight after school well go see it. I'll drop you home afterwards." He muttered picking up my tie before letting it slip through his fingers.

A shiver went down my spine when Louis caught up to Harry as I tried to catch my thoughts.

Someone then called my name and I looked back to see a blonde, big grinned boy walking directly towards me.

I bit my bottom lip and turned to him as Niall came up to me.

"Ready for this audition?" Could I say no to that?

* * *

"-and down!" Sasha called before herself and I both ended crouched over our knees. Some boys and the girls clapped in front of us as I blinked back and let Sasha smile widely as she stepped in front of me. "That was really good! You learnt the technique fast and were pretty light on your toes!" Glancing back at the girls, they all gave nods before her attention was directed onto me. "Congratulations Willow! You're in!"

The girls ran over and congratulated me as I blushed shyly accepting their 'well done's' and 'you'll do great's'.

The group then slowly dispersed as some girls made their way to the changing room. I smiled to myself contently before feeling arms wrap around me from behind.

"You got it!" I lightly squealed caught off guard before being put down to see Niall smiling wide at me. "Well done!" He pulled me into a tight hug without thinking making me freeze.

He smelt nice, and his hugs were really quite welcoming.

"Oh, sorry." Niall chuckled nervously and pulled away. I smiled up at him before waving it off lightly.

"It's ok." I mumbled as he bit his lip and stared down at me. My heart beat rose and my fingers latched behind my back.

"Willow!" Sasha walked over hand in hand with Zayn before coming up to Niall and I. "The team is going out to celebrate with pizza tonight; you in?" She asked as I looked between her and Niall.

He watched me intently as I looked down thinking.

I said no to Louis earlier; but that was because what he wanted to do sounded a bit dangerous. But having pizza with my new team sounded alright; right? Plus Niall would be there, I think.

"O-ok." I answered as she pulled me in for a quick hug before Niall was quick to my side.


A-a-a-a-adviiiccceee! :)

Don't let anybody dictate your book or writing skills! If somebody comments that you write like sh!t or that the plot is stupid; ignore them!

It would completely different than asking somebody privately to read your book and give you feedback; there's no problem with that.

But if you feel like your writing is bad, or that you are wasting your time; come chat with me or my sista! hiitsmichelle she's perfect to talk to :)

We honestly love you guys, and we're more than happy to bring you guys success as well :) <3

But how about the story huh? Why does Louis want it badly with Willow? Why is Harry being cold? Why can't she start dating Niall already?!?!

Well... I'm the writer so I guess you'll find out soon ;)
All the love, N. xx

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