- Ten

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Mum was in a hurry this morning; it seemed like she had to be somewhere. I knew that she was going to Aunt Krissy's but she's never been this keen before.

"See you later sweetie!" She rushed me before pulling out and back onto the road.

That was weird.

Shrugging it off, I turned around and made my way to the front gate to stop wide eyed in my tracks.

He slowly turned and looked at me before a wide smirk took across his features.

"Willow from London." He chuckled before making his way over to me.

"L-Louis." I stuttered as he kept his pace, not seeming to slow at all. "W-what-"

His hand suddenly came out and yanked my tie forward before wrapping his arms tightly around me.

"You don't see me that way huh?" He muttered as I put my hands on his chest, trying to push him away. "Well I'll make you see me that way."

His tone was more demanding then anything; it put me off a bit.

Whimpering, I looked away from him though he only seemed to keep his firm grip unfazed.

"P-please let g-go-"

"Willow?" I heard my name and Louis turned his head before his face fell blank.

"What do you want?" Louis challenged coldly as I looked to see Niall glaring at the boy with his arms around me.

"Let go of her." Niall walked closer as Louis kept one arm around my shoulders before turning us to face Niall.

The two didn't look like the type to challenge. And the two didn't look like they wanted to lose either.

"This one is mine Niall; so cut your losses and fuck off." Wow, already into the cussing. But it didn't seem to faze Niall one bit though.

"Last chance Tomlinson; let... go." Niall put his bag beside his feet as Louis scoffed and put his bag beside him as well.

"As you wish." Louis smirked and let go of me as I stumbled back watching wide eyed. Cracking his neck and stepping forward, Louis stared at Niall as the blonde put his hands up ready to fight. "You got nothing on me you little shit."

Niall growled and lunged forward at Louis who readied himself. But before anything could happen, somebody intervened by pulling the cuff of Niall's collar back.

"Let's not start this." Harry. Sending Niall a deep glate, Harry waited until Niall gave into his fierce gaze before stepping back.

He then looked at his friend before shaking his head. Then his gaze tore to me.

"Why is it that you always cause fights?" His words stung as I felt my bottom lip tremble. "Go." He gestured to Niall as I swallowed down before pacing over to Niall.

Once he caught sight of me, he held his arms out before pulling me into his chest.

"Are you ok?" He whispered as I nodded, feeling myself begin to calm. "Come on." Taking my hand, Niall picked up his bag and pulled me through the gates and into the school.

I looked back to see Harry talking to Louis; calming him down. But it's like he knew I was watching as he turned his head to spare me a glance.

With a small gasp, I looked forward and let Niall lead us to where he wanted to sit.

* * *

In math, I found myself sitting beside Sasha and her girls as they lightly chatted amongst themselves.

I stared down at my piece of half completed paper as my mind trailed off somewhere else.

Almost a week and I've cause unwanted trouble. What the hell is wrong with me?

"Willow!" My shoulder was shaken and I snapped from my thoughts to look over at Sophie and Sasha. "You ok?" Sasha asked as I nodded and gripped my pen tighter.

"Fine. Sorry." I muttered as she sighed before waving it off.

"We're going to see a movie tonight."

"Wanna join?" Sophie added as my heart beat slowed a bit.

Louis basically told me that I was going to see a movie with him and Harry tonight.

But after what happened this morning, I'm not so sure anymore.

"No thanks; I have homework to do and mum probably won't let today slide." Sasha pouted before giving in and continuing her chatting.

Focusing on the task at hand, I finished the question in class before hearing the bell ring.

With more homework assigned to us, I internally groaned before packing up and heading to lunch.

Much to my surprise, Niall and Zayn stood outside, waiting for us. Sasha seemed to be caught off guard by her reaction.

"Hey?" She questioned walking over and letting Zayn pull her into a hug. "What are you doing here early?"

"The teacher let us out five minutes early, so we came here." Niall explained walking over to me before pulling me into a hug. I blushed slightly at how forward he was before returning his hug.

He didn't seem to want to let go though, and people gave us second glances as they walked past making me hide my face in his chest.

"We're going to the cafeteria to sit today." Zayn took Sasha's hand as Niall easily took mine before the five of us made our way to the school cafeteria.

Niall's hand kept constantly tightening around mine as I looked down at our hands.

We were holding hands and people were looking; this was insane.


Last bit of advice while I try to think of some more to add later into the story :)

I really discourage people who write their little hearts out before making an author note at the bottom of the chapter saying how they know their work is bad.

Have more faith in yourself.

It's really sad to see food author throw away everything they've just written.

If you feel like your work us bad, here's two options. One, edit it so you can find yourself to like it more. Or two, don't say anything. Don't let people know you think your chapter is crap.

But if you're writing just to have people compliment you on how perfect you are, then stop. It's honestly annoying as fuck.


But I guess I'll write it for the story.

Do it for the story √
All the love, N. xx

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