- Thirteen

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[Chapter Thirteen]

Saturday rolled around quicker than I had expected and I finished putting my shoes on before tying them up.

"-but we've beaten them loads of times!" Niall's voice spoke through my phone before he laughed.

"That's good." I smiled double knotting my shoelaces before standing up.

"Hey! I think I see your house!" Niall perked up as I raised an eyebrow and took my handbag beside me. "Number nine right?" My heart beat picked up as I grabbed my phone before putting it back to normal speaker beside my ear.

"Yep. That's the one." A car horn then sounded as I jumped back lightly. "Definitely the one."

"Alright, I'll see you soon!" Niall hung up as I inhaled and made my way to the front door; but not without seeing mum in the lounge room.

And boy was she dressed to impress.

"Hey mum?" I greeted hesitantly as she perked up before smiling at me.

"Hey sweetie," mum replied, quickly peeking out the window. She turned back to me, "your ride is here."

"It is." I swallowed down hard and watched as she picked up her purse from the couch before straightening herself out. "You going somewhere?"

"Just out." She fixed her hair before making her way back towards the kitchen.

This was weird. But Niall was waiting out front so I didn't have time to question any further.

"I'll see you later!"

"Bye!" Was all she called as I pushed hair from my face while closing the front door. Letting my feet guide me to Niall's car, I shyly opened the passenger door to see him grin up at me.

Though his features froze as he stared wide eyed.

I climbed into the car and shut the door gently before putting my seatbelt on.

Niall's jaw was literally hanging making me blush and grip my pants.

"W-what?" I stuttered as he shook his head and swallowed hard.

"You l-look beautiful." Was all he could stammer. My heart pounded in my chest from his words as I bit my lip and looked down. "A-anyway!" He cleared his throat and pulled us out before reaching over to type an address in his GPS.

He had a really nice car and an expensive interior. At a guess, I would say that Niall had some money. Not that it really matttered though.

The car fell into silence and Niall gripped his hands around the steering wheel before rubbing them individually on his pants.

Was he nervous?

"H-have you been to a football game before?" He tried to break the ice as I relaxed into the seat.

"N-not really." I shrugged as the silence took over once again.

Biting his lip, Niall sighed and turned the radio on before tapping his fingers on the steering wheel.

5sos was playing, and I could happily say that I liked their music.

"Do you like 5sos?" I asked looking over as Niall grinned before shrugging.

"Maybe." He spoke, my eyebrow raising in suspicion. That grin held more secrets then it should have.

"Oh really?" I lightly teased with a tint of a blush; what the hell was I doing? Flirting? How do you even flirt?

Maybe I was over thinking this...

"Well..." Niall drew out biting his bottom lip. "I might have... met them once." He played off as my eyes widened.

"No way." I couldn't help the wide smile that played across my lips as Niall nodded. "When? H-how?" I must have looked very amusing to Niall as he laughed.

"Well, it was about a year and a half ago..."

* * *

After hearing Niall explain how he had met 5sos, I mentally died at the thought of meeting the boys.

Niall was a lucky boy himself.

"Hear we are." Niall opened my door before taking my hand and helping me out.

"Thank you." I whispered as he shut and locked the car. Immediately, my hand was taken into his before he laced my fingers with his and carried his duffel bag on his other arm.

I was surprised at how many people had actually shown up to watch the game.

"Wow." I breathed as Niall chuckled and pulled me through the crowd and towards the undercover area.

"It's always like this." He whispered before pulling me in front of an entrance that read 'Change rooms'.

"I take it you're kind of a big deal?" Did I seriously try flirting again? Dammit Willow; stop!

"I guess," Niall said before turning and pulling me into his arms, "but you're my big deal." His words had my heart thumping loudly as he slowly pulled away before leaning down. "Go get something to eat and find a place in the shade."

"Ok." I nodded as he quickly glanced at my lips before ducking in and sneaking a kiss to my cheek.

This boy loves to embrass me doesn't he?

And with a short wink, Niall left into the changing rooms as I let out a shaky breath.

S-something to eat. Got it.

Oh meeeeeh god!

Who wanna see more #Nillow ??? But who wanna see more of the other boys? And you'll be surprised at what I have planned for Willow's mother ;)
All the love, N. xx

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