- Five

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[Chapter Five]

^ Gorgeous Niall ^ (check out picture above)

This uniform was right to say the least. Not uncomfortably tight; but skin showing tight. Halfway down my thighs to my ankles were exposed as well as my singlet shirt gave a tight grip to my stomach.

Nothing to hide in this.

Taking my bag, I cautiously stepped out of the changing room to see the group waiting.

Oh god.

"Wow." I jumped back to see Sasha outside the room waiting for me with a wide grin. "It fits you so well!" Her eyes beaned up at me before she took my hand.


"Call me Sash." She smiled as I swallowed down nodding.

"I-I-" can't really do anything. I can't flip. I can't be thrown. I'm not flexible. "I'm not sure..."

She waved a hand at me and clicked her fingers for a girl to come over and take my bag.

"O-oh. Thanks?"

"We'll audition you now." Sasha said as I went wide eyed watching her pull me into the space. The other girls stepped back as she clapped her hands before putting them on her hips. "I'm going to give you a small piece to learn; and tomorrow you'll come back and show me what you've done."

She nodded as I timidly nodded back to her. All eyes were on us, and my focus was beginning to deteriorate a bit.

Please give me strength.

"So let's begin!"

* * *

The end of school finally came around and I bit my lip relaying the routine in my head. I need to go home and practice it.

There was thankfully no flipping and no splits; just arm movements and clapping. Seemed easy enough.

Again, I turned a corner and felt myself bump into somebody but only to have their hands immediately grab my arms and steady me in place.

"S-sorry!" I quickly apologised and looked up only to go wide eyed. A boy with calm facial features and a soft smile stared at me as I found myself blushing.

"No need to worry yourself." He whispered taking his hands back as I nodded. "I saw you practicing today." My head shot up as he chuckled running a hand through his hair before rubbing the back of his neck. "I think you're pretty good."

His eyes gazed at the ground with a short cheeky smile before he looked up at me. He was gorgeous to say the least, and I could feel my knees begin to go weak with his stare.

"T-thanks." I spluttered as he laughed and held a hand out.

"Niall." He said as I cleared my throat and shook his hand.

"Willow. Nice to meet y-you." Niall gave my hand a firm squeeze before hesitantly taking it away.

"So, uh... I'll see you tomorrow?" He said as I readjusted my bag nodding.

"Ok." With another awkward wave, he stepped around me before making his way up the hall. I turned and looked at him to feel myself smile a bit.

He's cute.

"Who's that?" I heard another voice and looked back to see Louis making his way towards me with a slight pout. "You weren't talking to him were you?"

My voice became stuck in my throat as Louis took my tie again and began playing with it.

"I-I..." what did this boy want from me now?

His gaze lifted to mine before he bit his lip and looked down at my tie again.

"Have you got a boyfriend?" His question took me off guard as his hand slowly came up and softly ran against my cheek. Shivers ran throughout me as Louis could only stare, knowing he had some sort of affect.

"N-no." I muttered as he smiled widely before lowering his hand.

"Do you want one?" Was he offering himself? This wasn't happening; there was no way I was getting asked out on the second day. "Willow-"

"Louis." His name was called causing him to look up before sighing.

"Always have to ruin everything don't you Harry?" My gaze cautiously turned back to indeed see Harry making his way towards us with his unreadable expression.

Harry looked me up and down before giving a silent look to his friend.

"Alright, alright." Louis took his hands away as he stepped back. "I'll see you tomorrow Willow." He winked before turning and walking away.

Harry silently stepped past me as I watched as him; he didn't look at me once making me slightly cower back.

He stared at me on my first day and now he looks down at everything I do? I don't quite understand.

With a heavy sigh, I recomposed myself before making my way back outside towards the gates where mum was waiting.

* * *

"Ok mum!" I called closing my bedroom door and put my bag beside my bed as I face planted onto the mattress.

With a loud groan, I sighed and turned into my back before pulling my phone out and deciding to check on my Facebook.

3 notifications

I raised an eyebrow to see all the notifications were friend requests.

- Louis Tommo

- Sasha Gale

- Niall Horan

Deciding to friend them all, I looked through all of their profiles to see if I could get to know them a bit better.

Sasha took a lot of award winning selfies, Niall's profile pictures seemed to be either of him and his friends or him playing guitar, and Louis always putting up status' saying how sick somebody's party was.

So, they're the type of people at my school huh? I guess they're kinda cool.

Advice time :)

Watch out for your spacing when writing. It may not seem important when you write a story as one long ass paragraph and it might not seem important to put somebody's speech in on paragraph and the second person's in the other; bit it is VERY important.

People who read a story without space and definition are most likely going to pull out of the story before the first chapter.

So pleeeeeeaaasssee space your writing. It took me a while but I got it! So you will to! If you're still a bit confused on this subject, inbox me! :)

But how about the story huh? Is Willow getting somewhere or what :)
All the love, N. xx

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