- Twelve

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[Chapter Twelve]

"Hey!" Niall smiled once we met at the library entrance. I didn't know why, but all I wanted right now was warmth; was Niall's embrace.

So my hands came up and lightly tugged at his shirt before I inched closer. Niall was quick to pull me into his arms as I sighed against him.
Niall smelt really nice; and trust me when I say that's a compliment. I've smelt some pretty bad stuff out there.

"Can we go sit somewhere? Not here." I muttered as Niall looked down before nodding at me.

"Ok." His hand slipped into mine before he pulled us both down the hall and towards the familiar walkway to the cafeteria.

I was kind of surprised to see a tiny handful of people in here. Why would people stay back in the cafeteria?

Well, I did so I guess everyone had their reasons.

"Is everything ok?" Niall asked once we sat down; his hand immediately taking place onto my shoulder to comfort me.

"Yeah. I guess." I sighed leaning my arms on the table as Niall tilted his head at me. Looking over, I caught his slight pout making me stifle a laugh before sighing. "Mum is just a bit late is all."

Deciding not to push the subject any further, Niall nodded and removed his hand as he stared down at the table. My lip biting began again as I pulled the jumper sleeves over my hands to contain some warmth.

"Hey, uh..." Niall choked quietly before shaking his head. "Nevermind... it's stupid anyway." My eyebrows furrowed as I lightly took his bicep into my hold causing him to look up at me.

"What?" I whispered as he looked around nervously. "Niall," my hand slowly slid towards his collar as those blue eyes of his locked with mine, "tell me."

Offering a light smile to try and sooth any of his worries, Niall nodded before turning his body towards mine.

"W-well..." his cheeks were already beginning to change into a light pink shade as I held my giggle. Tempted to point out that maybe it was a bit hot in here for him. "Saturday..."

This boy couldn't seem to spit it out.

"Yeah?" I pressed as he finally looked directly into my hazel eyes. One of his hands took my one from his body before holding it in his grasp.

"I have a football game on Saturday," he stated, his thumb rubbing over my knuckles lightly as I nodded; feeling my own cheeks heat, "come watch me? Maybe?"

He bit his bottom lip nervously and his grip tightened around my hand as I was taken back.

He wanted me to watch him play?

"I-I mean-ugh! I knew it was stupid." He rambled off as a cheeky smile took place on my lips.

"Ok." I tried to sound as confident as possible.

"I understand-what?" He seemed surprised by my reply.

"I'll watch your game." I clarified as Niall stared at me with a deep stare. Contemplating whether what I said was what I actually said. "Niall?" I giggled causing him to blink back.

"Y-yes?" He near shouted as I flinched. "Yes! Ok!" He smiled brightly at me as I returned his smile. "Great!" He laughed lacing his fingers with mine as I hid my goofy grin.

"Great." I smiled.

* * *

Shutting the car door, I sighed buckling up and looking over to greet mum.

"Hey mum." I said though she looked lost in thought. Raising an eyebrow, I leant forward to see if I could capture the entire look on her face.

She was smiling unintentionally wide raising my suspicion further.

Unless my aunty had offered to pay her mortgage, I don't know why she's smiling like that.

"Mum?" My voice seemed to have snapped her out of her gaze as she looked over at me.

"Oh, hey sweetie." She was unusually happy today. Maybe she'd won the lottery while she was out. "Let's go home."

Pulling out, I sat back and studied her behaviour as she hummed to the radio; tapping her fingers on the steering wheel as she went.

Suddenly, Niall's offer popped into my head and I decided to ask mum while she was still on cloud nine.

"Hey mum," she hummed as I took a small deep breath, "can I go out on Saturday?"

"What for?" Light rain began to hit against the windshield as I shrugged looking down.

"One of my friends wants to hang out with me." She raised an eyebrow at my statement as I bit my lip lowly.

Normally she would interrogate me on the matter, but today wasn't such the case.

"Ok. Am I dropping you off?" She asked as I withheld my excitement.

"N-no, no. They offered to drive me." Niall did; he told me he'd pick me up first thing Saturday morning. I just have to text him the address and arrange a time with him.

"Ok; even better!" Mum's smile stretched abnormally wide for her but I thought better than to question it.

Everything right now was good in the world.

Well... sort of.

*whispers in Niall's ear*

Me: is it a date?

*Niall only shrugs before skipping off*

I reckon it's a date guys ;) idek yet! HAH! The joys of shocking myself!
All the love, N. xx

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