- Six

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[Chapter Six]

My phone went off from inside my pocket again saying I had yet another message from messenger.

Can't wait to see you !! xx

With a small sigh, I decided to reply.

You make it sound like we're dating Louis. Haha

Deciding against a smiley face, I saw mum glance over and raise an eyebrow at me.

Ever since six o'clock this morning, Louis has been texting me and chatting me up. I don't understand that boy; and I don't understand why he'd pick me to chat to.

Unless he was talking to ten other girls as well. Probably is.

"Who are you talking to?" Mum asked as I quickly turned my screensaver off and looked up at her.

"S-someone from school." I coughed as she stared out the window, not believing that I was telling the entire truth. And she was about to question me again before I interrupted her. "So how's aunt Krissy going?"

Mum's face turned into a slight frown before sighing.

"She just mopes around all the time. I want to get her to forget him but he's all she ever thinks about."

"Then," I began as mum pulled up to the school drop off zone, "why don't you take her out today?"

"I was planning to." Mum nodded as I took my bag and stepped out of the car. "Have a good day sweetie!" She waved as I gave a small wave back before watching her pull out from the school.

My phone suddenly buzzed causing me to immediately take it out while making my way towards the cafeteria.

We could you know. If you wanted to ;) xx

My heart rate sped up as I decided to not reply to him. Turning off my phone, I cleared my throat and continued my way into the building and up the hall.

"Willow!" I stopped in my tracks and turned around to see Niall running up the hall towards me. Light butterflies erupted as I watched him run to me; his gaze set and his hair nicely quiffed.

He was a good looking boy.

"H-hey Niall." I smiled before biting my bottom lip.

"Hey." He smiled before smiling as he looked over my facial features. It seemed like he was lost in a bit of a trance before blinking back profusely. "Hey, I was wondering..." Niall began and rubbed the back of his neck as he glanced over my shoulder, setting his eyes on me. "Wanna come hang out with me?"

My eyes couldn't be any wider than saucers right now; and Niall must of realized what he said before waving his hands frantically.

"I-I meant with me and my friends!" Letting a small smile tugged at the corner of my lips, I could only nod before Niall chuckled nervously and began our walk.

It was sort of awkward, him not knowing how to keep a conversation going and me being too shy to actually try and start one.

A few minutes later, we had reached just outside the gym I had come to yesterday. A small group of boys and girls sat around the bench table chatting amongst themselves.

One of them which I recognized to be Sasha; but she was under the arm of another boy. He had dark hair and a sharp jaw; all I could say was well done for picking him.

"Hey guys!" Niall waved walking over as my feet pulled me to a stop when everybody looked at us. Niall was easily greeted into the group before he noticed my presence was missing. "Willow, you coming?"

I just shrugged and looked at my feet before walking cautiously slow over to the group.

"Go give her a hand big fella." I heard a chuckle before footsteps approached me and stopped in my line of sight.

"Come on Willow." One large hand slowly reached over and took one of mine making my cheeks flare.

Niall smiled down at me with his own slightly red cheeks before pulling me over.

I was happily greeted by Sasha that said she couldn't wait to properly audition me.

Sitting down on the seat, Niall sat on the table above me as I began to familiarise myself with everyone.

There was another blonde headed girl that went by the name of Penelope, though she had shorter hair. Sasha was wrapped under her boyfriend's arm gladly as he kissed her cheek; his name was Zayn. Then there were two other boys that go by Jack and Scott; they seemed as thick as theives they did.

The bell then went to indicate we had our home class. Everybody stood up and arranged themselves before we made our way back into the school hall.

"What do you have first period?" Niall asked as I thought about it before pulling out my time table.

"Business." He could only nod before explaining he had fitness. He seemed to love fitness; anything involving running around and getting out.

"I'll walk you to your class?" Niall offered as I nodded before feeling a tap on my shoulder.

"See you first lunch." Sasha smiled as I nodded before we parted ways.

Niall was more than happy, with that grin on his face, before we made it to my classroom.

"Well, here we are." Niall turned to me as I nodded before feeling a vibration in my pocket.

"Yeah. Thank you." I gave a light smile to Niall as he nodded before slowly reaching a hand out. It briskly touched my fingers before his index finger cautiously hooked with mine.

"See you at lunch." He whispered as I could only nod, watching as he slowly let go before walking away to his class.


Be active! Don't do what I do and hop on whenever I can! Make a schedule! Update to that schedule!

If you update once a week than that's ok. Three times a week? Eh, getting there. Everyday? Now we're talkin'!

But its really up to you. There is nothing more annoying than finding a book and reading ten chapters before checking to see that it hasn't been updated since October 2013.

So be constant. The fanbase that you will create will appreciate it and you'll find yourself to be more than happy to update! :))

THIS CHAPTER THOUGH!!! I'm beginning to get #Nillow feels with a slight #Loullow

How about you guys? Like it?
All the love, N. xx

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