"Ok, I guess you all can come in." Annabell stepped aside.
When they were all inside she closed the door and walked over to Levi, "Your friends are here."
He turned to look at all the nervously smiling people, "What are you doing here?" He asked a hint of annoyance in his voice.
"Well we came looking for you, sir." Armin answered.
"We were, uh..." Armin didn't know what to say.
"It was Hanji's idea." Mikasa blamed the titan lover.
"Eh! Don't blame me I didn't force you to come!" Hanji yelled at all of them.
"Whatever" Levi turned back to the pot of soup and stirred it.
Annabell pushed him out of the way and took the wooden spoon from him almost knocking the pot over, "Go be social, I'll finish making lunch."
"Your gonna knock over the pot with your fat belly."
Being all hormonal and pregnant Annabell was greatly affended and started hitting Levi's chest over and over again with the hand that held the spoon, "How dare you! Levi your such a jerk! You can forget about having lunch, you don't get any! Go away!!"
When she stopped hitting him he walked over to the dinning table and sat down like nothing had happened. "Hmph!" Annabell grabbed another apron, put it on and started where Levi left off, cutting things and stirring it in with the rest of the ingredients. There was an awkward silence filling the room. No one else sat at the table where Levi was sipping his tea.
"Sorry there's not enough chairs, it's usually just the three of us. We might have some boxes you could use though." Annabell said kindly.
"Three of you?" Sahsa questioned.
"Oh yes, we have a daughter. I'm pregnant with our second child." Annabell rubbed her belly with one hand as the other stirred the soup.
"Where is she?" Jean asked.
"Wouldn't you love to know!" She said snapped making a disgusted face.
"Eh!" Jean was shocked and confused.
"You men and your want for women. I swear, your brains are 70% about women and 30% other."
"I'm sure Jean didn't mean it like that, we just want to meet her." Armin defended Jean.
Annabell sighed, "She's probably getting into trouble with the Military Police, like usual." She turned to face them crossing her arms, "She always comes bursting through the door hoping I'm going to save her, but one of these days I'm gonna-"
Suddenly the door swung open and three girls ran in, the last one closing the door. As they ran past they quickly greeted Annabell. "Hi mom!" Said the first girl.
"Hello Mrs. Ackerman!" Said the second one.
"Don't mind us!" Yelled the third and they all jumped down a trap door that was hidden under a rug and slammed it shut.
They all stood there speechless not knowing what just happened or what to do. Annabell walked over and pulled the rug back over the door muttering to herself. A minute later there was a loud knock on the door. Annabell walked over to answer the door, only opening it enough to show herself, and there were three Military Police soldiers that did not look very pleased.
"Can I help you?" She asked sweetly.
"Where are they?" One soldier demanded. "We know there here."
"Don't play games with us! We saw them come this way, we always see them coming this way and we won't let it slide anymore!" A second soldier yelled angeryly.
"How dare you accuse me! You think I would just let some random criminals run through my house!" The soldier was about to say something but she continued to yell at them. "I have no children, I'm pregnant with my first and it most definitely won't be a criminal running from soldiers! And look, you've ruined my baby shower!" She flung the door open so they could see all the people inside.
They played along and all gave very disapproving looks at the soldiers. Hanji stepped up to Annabell and put her hand on her shoulder saying, "What kind of soldiers are you, arguing with a pregnant woman. When are you due?"
"I was due yesterday, actually."
"Yesterday! She could pop at any moment and your here accusing her! You should be ashamed!"
'I like this woman.' Annabell thought.
"Sorry ma'am, we were just checking. Have a good day." He bowed his head slightly and left.
Annabell closed the door and turned to Hanji, "Thank you, maybe I should keep you around, just in case." She giggled.
"No problem." Hanji said with a wide smile.
Levi had gotten up and walked over to where the three girls were hiding and lifted the rug then he opened the door and said, "You brats can come out now."
A pair of hands came out reaching for something to pull it up. Levi bent down and grabbed them pulling up and out a girl about his height. When she was out she reached down to pull out a girl a little taller than her and that girl pulled out the last one that was a little shorter than both girls. The first girl turned to Annabell and opened her mouth about to thank her for saving them from the police but didn't get the chance.
"What did you do this time! Why do you always have to get into trouble with soldiers, can't we at least pretend to be good people for once!" She scolded.
The three of them stood there opening and closing their mouths trying to think of a good excuse. Annabell deep sighed and walked back over to the boiling soup, "Forget it. One of these days I'm just going to let them have you." She muttered turning off the stove.
The first girl walked over to grab bowls for everyone. "We'll help too." Said the other two girls walking over to help set the table. Levi grabbed boxes for everyone else to sit on from the storage kept in the room under the trapdoor.
~Your POV~
Everyone sat around the table as my friends and I passed out the bowls and spoons. I set a bowl in front of a boy with brown hair and turquoise eyes and he gasped. I looked at him wondering if he was alright when he said, "You're Levi's daughter."

Eren x Levi's daughter!reader
FanficThis is my second Eren x reader! I hope you like what I have written for you and your Eren loving hearts! I enjoyed writing my first Eren x reader and had an idea for another one. It may not be the best but I will put my heart and soul into it, ENJO...