There were so many funny pictures like this but I chose this one. I was laughing so hard when I saw it. Happy (late) Valentines day!(sorry it's late, I got grounded)'What's going on? Why am I shaking so much?' I was laying down with my eyes still closed. I was sleeping peacefully until I felt everything shaking. I'm only partly awake and I'm not sure what's happening. 'Is there an earthquake or something? An earthquake, or could it be titans? Titans...titans are attacking...'
"TITANS ARE ATTACKING!" I yelled as I sprung up now fully awake. "Somebody get me my gear I'll kill them all!" I fell out of the top bunk on to the floor with a loud 'thump'. I stood up quickly and took in my surroundings. Everyone was laughing at me. I looked at them confused, "What's so funny? Why are you standing around this is important!" I scolded them.
"(Y/N) calm down, the titans aren't attacking." Abigail said between laughs.
"What? But, but everything was shaking." I said confused.
"No no no, that was me trying to wake you up. I'm sorry I didn't know you would freak out this much." I stood there for a moment processing everything.
"Wake me up, it's morning?" I looked out the window to see the sun rising. "Then today...today is our first day of training!" I gasped. I started to quickly undress myself and put on my uniform. I ran to the door in a hurry to get to breakfast and yelled for my friends to come along, "Come on, let's go! Let's go!"
"Hold on (Y/N), Abigail and I aren't even dressed yet." Elizabeth said trying to calm my energetic spirit but I was ready to get this day started.
"Just go and we'll catch up, but you gotta save us a seat." Abigail said shooing me.
"Fine but hurry up!" I yelled running out the door.
I was so excited I couldn't wait to start. I was finally going to be doing something with my life. I ran with a big grin spread across my face. I giggled to myself thinking about all the cool things I was going to do. 'I can't wait to use the 3DMG! It's going to be so cool and I already know-' my face slammed into someone's back. I stepped back holding my hurt red nose that took most of the impact. I looked up as the person turned their head to look down at me. That freckled face and curly brown hair, it was the same guy as yesterday.
"Oh, you again." He said turning all the way around to face me. "I thought I told you to stay out of my way."
"Yeah well, maybe you should stay out of MY way!" I stomped my foot trying to be intimidating but I probably looked like a little kid who didn't want to clean their room.
He laughed at me and flicked my forehead, "Listen half pint, you may be the Corporals daughter but you're nothing but an untalented brat who's going to die on her first expedition. So don't be acting like you're some hot shit, and you can tell your friends that too."
"Excuse me! I could kick your ass before you realize the mistake you've made by challenging me!" I bluffed. I wasn't 100% confident that I could beat him in a fight but I hoped he would take my bluff and walk away. That didn't happen.
"Yeah, well if you're so sure of yourself then go ahead and try, midget!" He got in his fighting stance.
I couldn't back down, I'm enough of a disgrace already. But what if he hurts my face, there's no way I can win! I got ready to fight anyway. 'No, I can win! My father has been training me to fight since I was 5!'
I charged at him bringing my fist up to punch but slowed as I got closer to him. I didn't really want to hurt him, I couldn't bring myself to do it.
I watched as he swung his fist at my face and I braced myself for the impact but it never came. Someone slid in between us and took the hit. When they fell to the ground I saw who it was, Elizabeth. She held her cheek in pain and fought the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes. I looked back up and saw Abigail tackling the tall man to the ground. She pinned him down and repeatedly brought her fist to his face, the sound of her knuckles forcefully smacking his jaw was loud and clear.
The other girls came running over and had to rip Abigail away from the man. She was kicking and screaming threats. "Are you alright Elizabeth?" Mikasa asked.
"Y-yes." Elizabeth sniffed back her tears.
"Are you sure? You guys didn't have to step in like this." I said.
"Of course we did. I told you we'd always be here for you." Abigail walked up to me. It was a touching moment while it lasted but Abigail ended it when she slapped me across the face. "Don't be getting yourself into stupid fights! Man, I'm gonna be in trouble when the Corporals hear about this."
"I'm sorry." I said lowering my head in apology.
"Don't be, I'm fine with taking the blame for you guys." I'm glad to have friends like Elizabeth and Abigail who will always have my back. "Just, sneak me some food. I've got a feeling I won't be getting breakfast." She smiled.
~Time Skip~
When the Corporals found out about the fight, Abigail and the man had to run laps without breakfast. But luckily I snuck Abigail some food to replenish her energy before the real training began.
We ran laps first. Though Abigail had to run laps before us she was still full of energy by the end of our first exercise. While running I was in the back of the group breathing heavily and almost falling over a few times. When we were finally able to stop and catch our breath I collapsed in the ground. I guess I was out of shape. I rolled over onto my back and tried to relax before the next training exercise but was disturbed by an unwelcome man.
"What's wrong? Are your short legs not strong enough to carry you? That run was so easy." The man laughed tauntingly at me.
"Shut up." I sighed trying to ignore him. I stood up to get away from him before he insulted me more.
Before I could walk away he grabbed me by the collar and raised me up to be face to face with him. My feet were barely touching the ground and his grip was choking me.
"We never got to finish our fight earlier." He raised his fist but someone stepped in and grabbed his hand.
"Leave her alone Maxwell." Eren demanded.
He let go of me and I fell to my knees coughing. Eren was staring him down with a angry glare.
"Stay out of this, it's non of your business."
"It is my business if you're picking on my friend."
They continued to argue and no matter what I said to get them to stop they just ignored me. "Hey, what's going on here?" My father stepped in. He over looked at Max in annoyance, "Why aren't you with your squad?"
"Sorry sir. I'll go now." He saluted and bowed his head then quickly walked off.
"You two let's go." Father told Eren and I.
Eren held out his hand to help me up, "Are you alright?" I took his hand and he pulled me up.
"Yeah. Thank you, Eren."
My father assigned something for everyone to clean. Eren was told to clean the cafeteria with some other people. My friends and I were given the chore of stable duty. We cleaned the stables, fed the horses, and cleaned the horses. Father came to check on us and see how good of a job we did, but I wish he didn't. He told us to redo everything and "actually try".
It was time for lunch when we finished for the third time. "I suppose this is acceptable. Go ahead and get lunch." Father said.
Abigail and Elizabeth started to walk away and I followed until my dad stopped me. I looked him confused and he stared back expressionless. "(Y/N)"
"Just...look out for yourself." He struggled to find the right words. After that he left to get lunch himself.

Eren x Levi's daughter!reader
FanfictionThis is my second Eren x reader! I hope you like what I have written for you and your Eren loving hearts! I enjoyed writing my first Eren x reader and had an idea for another one. It may not be the best but I will put my heart and soul into it, ENJO...