Ok as some of you may know I already updated this chapter but you couldn't open it because Wattpad deleted the chapter, I didn't delete it but Wattpad did for some reason. I mean come on! This is the 3rd time I've had to type this chapter! And if this happens again im gonna flip a table (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Anyway, so sorry I took forever, here it is. Enjoy! (In less Wattpad decides to delete it again(╬ಠ益ಠ) )
"Watch where you're going, you filthy thug!" I looked up to meet the cold glare of a man of tall stature.
"O-Oh. Sorry I wasn't paying attention." I stuttered looking around the room to see if anyone was watching, but to my dismay, everyone was looking at me with the same glares from earlier.
"Just stay out of the way. It's bad enough they're letting criminals join us." He said then walked over to his own friends who were snickering at me. I quickly walked over to the table with the only people I knew here and sat down with my head in my hands. I was so embarrassed.
"Hey don't listen to them, they're just jealous cause they know how much better we are than them!" Abigail pat my back trying to cheer me up. It didn't work.
"Yeah right. I would be upset too if someone like us came walking in with no experience and claim to be the best." I said bringing down Abigail's good mood as she moved her hand off me.
"Would you like to talk about it?" Elizabeth asked kindly, hoping to not upset me further.
I thought for a moment before answering quietly, "...No." Abigail and Elizabeth knew not to pry, especially if it has to do with me coming from the Underground City or being a criminal, but the others didn't know.
"Are you sure? Maybe it will-" Armin started before I cut him off angrily.
"I said, no!" After that everyone stopped trying to get me to talk and ate quietly talking among themselves.
I ate my dinner slowly and by time everyone was done I was about halfway. People began to excited the cafeteria. I watched as Sasha and Connie got up from the table and started walking to the door as they talked about something. Jean got up and joined their conversation as they walked out and turned the corner. Ymir walked out with her arm around Krista's shoulders, holding her close.
"Let's go Eren." Mikasa said standing up with Armin to leave.
"Go on ahead without me. I'll catch up." Eren said staying seated. It took a little more persuading to get Mikasa to go but eventually they left, leaving Eren and I alone at the table together.
It looked like he was thinking about something because he just started at me unconsciously, which made me uncomfortable. I didn't like it when people stared at me without engaging in a conversation with me. But Eren does remind me of someone close to me, someone I cared for very much. Mom.
I sat at a table indulged in one of my favorite hobbies, coloring. Dad, Farlan and Isabel were out doing a job, leaving mom and I home alone together. But there was something bothering me because I was never that quiet, and mom could tell something was up. "Is everything alright sweetie?" She asked turning away from the dishes to look at me.
"We're bad people." I said sadly.
"What? Why would you say that?"
"Dad, Farlan and Isabel steal and hurt people and are always running from the Military Police. I've heard people call us criminals, criminals are bad." I said, tears beginning to collect in the corner of my eyes.
"Oh sweetheart." Mom came over and sat down in the chair next to me, moving it closer. She combed her fingers through my ( at the time) long messy hair lovingly as she spoke, "Don't listen to those people, they would never understand. The things we do are in the best interest. We're just trying to survive. We do these jobs to get money so we can move to the surface."
"Why do we want to go to the surface?" I asked clueless.
"Well for one, the sun. I hear it's so much warmer and beautiful up there. And when we move to the surface," She put her hands on my shoulders, looking deeply into my eyes. "We can start over, we can be a normal family. No one will have to know about our old life here. It will be so much better!"
"Really?" She nodded her head in response, pulling me onto her lap into a hug.
"I can't wait..."
"(Y/N)!" Eren yelled, snapping me out of my thoughts. I guess he had been trying to get my attention for a while now because he seemed a little frustrated.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
"I'm fine." I said getting annoyed again.
"Don't lie to me, (Y/N). Tell me what's wrong."
"Nothing! Can't you just leave me alone like everyone else?"
"No." Eren replied calmly but determined to make me talk.
I looked at Eren with mixed feelings. I was confused as to why he cared so much to know, "Why do you even care?"
"Because we're friends."
"Friends? How can you think me as a friend, we hardly know each other?"
'Is this about the dance?' I thought.
"Well, you showed me hospitality by letting me stay at your home and," Eren paused and looked away with a hint of embarrassment. "We did dance together."
'So this is about the dance.'
Eren turned back to me with a determined look, "So yes, we are friends! Now tell me whats bothering you." He demanded.
I was surprised by his words but glad to know that he cared so much. I sighed deeply before finally answering, "I'm a criminal from the Underground."
"And?" Eren motioned for me to continue.
"And? That's it! Everyone hates me because I'm from the Underground City, they call me a criminal!" I yelled.
"Really, that's what you're so upset about? You shouldn't care what other people think about you."
"That's easy for you to say." I mumbled quietly, but Eren still heard.
"Really? Cause I'm dealing with a similar problem. People are afraid of me, they think I'm a monster. I'm locked up every night because they don't know when I might transform. I'm always afraid I might lose control and hurt someone."
There was a long awkward silence between us. I felt a little ridiculous thinking I had it so bad when Eren had it worse. After a minute or two of silence Eren spoke again.
"You really shouldn't care about what other people think of you. They could never understand what ever you went through down in the Underground City. So just ignore them." Eren stood up from the table.
"If you ever need to talk you can always come to me. I'll see you tomorrow." He waved and walked away to meet with his friends.
"Yeah, see you later." I waved back. "Thank you." I mumbled but he was already gone.
I sat alone at my table as I continued to eat the rest of my dinner. I heard someone come up from behind me but I didn't look to see who until they put their hand on my shoulder.
"You should get some sleep." My father said. Though his face was expressionless I could see the worry in his eyes.
He walked away leaving me once again alone.
Again, sorry for the late update i'll try to get the next chapter up soon. I want to thank you all for 1.1k reads on my other story(Eren x reader) and 3.5k reads on this story. THANK YOU ALL!!
MUCH LOVE~ Author °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°

Eren x Levi's daughter!reader
FanfictionThis is my second Eren x reader! I hope you like what I have written for you and your Eren loving hearts! I enjoyed writing my first Eren x reader and had an idea for another one. It may not be the best but I will put my heart and soul into it, ENJO...