Chapter 17

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It was after school and Junhong came over to help me with math. Can you believe it? Junhong is actually the one helping me out with schoolwork this time. I wasn't sure if today was awkward or not because it was the first day of being broken up with Jota. He would smile if we happened to make eye contact, but overall he was giving me my space.

"Ok so hopefully you understood what was going on in class today because I didn't---hmm that's weird." I look out the car window and saw a car already in the driveway.

"What is it?" Junhong unbuckled his seatbelt and tried to see what I was looking at.

"My mom's car is here, which means she's home early." We both walked up to the door and I heard a crash coming from inside.

I quickly opened the door and rushed inside. I saw mom running downstairs as she caught sight of me. "Mom what's going on? What's all the noise about?"

"I got off work early today and when I came home, Taewoon was yelling so I ran upstairs. His door was open and I saw him throwing things around." Mom was holding me by the shoulders and was breathing quickly.

"Why? What made him so mad?"

"He thinks that you went into his room again and took his video game."

"But I didn't. I did it before because he would always get frustrated when he played the violent games, I thought that it would be good for him to not have it, but I didn't do it this time." The last time I tried taking away his games, he was acting...well basically how he's acting now...

"I know Joy," Mom flinched when another crash was heard from upstairs, "I was the one who did it. I tried telling him but he won't listen to me."

There was an eerie moment of silence which caused mom and I to look at each other. After a few seconds, we heard banging and it sounded like Taewoon was trying to force himself into a room.

"I think he's in your room..." Mom whispered.

"I'll just go up there and tell him that I didn't take it," I went on the first step and took a deep breath, assuming that Taewoon was throwing things around my room, trying to look for his game.

"When she gets home, I'm going to..." I wasn't able to catch the last part of his sentence since there was glass breaking at the same time, but my head whipped towards mom who pulled me back.

"Joy I-I don't think you should be here right now. Not when your brother is like this." Mom said worriedly.

"What do you mean?" I frowned. Where does she expect me to go?

"It's just that...I don't want Taewoon to do something rash when he finds out you're here."

"But nothing's going to happen. He won't do anything to me." Mom and I both averted our eyes because we knew that statement wasn't true.

"She can stay over my place tonight if she wants." Junhong said from behind. I forgot that he was still here.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Mom asked.

"He's Junhong, my friend from school." I said quietly, making sure that Taewoon wouldn't hear me.

"And are you sure it's alright for Joy to stay at your house for tonight?" Mom said to Junhong.

Junhong shrugged, "Yeah it's fine with me."

"But what about with your parents?" Mom inquired. I held her hand and shook my head telling her not to ask about his parents.

"It's just me." Junhong asked.

"'ll just be you two? I don't know..." Mom stammered.

Bad Boys are a lot of Trouble (BAP Zelo/ Red Velvet Joy/ Kpop Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now