Chapter 5

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"Jota, I don't know why you still hang around with HeoJun and Daewon. They're not the kind of guys you should be friends with."

"Joy, I've already told you that they're not bad guys. Its only you who thinks that."

"Then why did you guys beat up Junhong yesterday?" I looked at my childhood friend in the eyes and watched his Adam's apple move from a nervous gulp. "Yeah I saw what you and your so-called friends did to him."

"Believe me when I say that I barely touched him. And if  I did, it was for self defense." Jota pleaded. I couldn't tell if he was lying or not, but I had a feeling that he was.

"I just don't want to see you get in trouble. Or hurt people."

"I didn't hurt anyone. It was Junhong who went on a rampage. I even secretly used my sister's makeup to cover up the bruises on my face."

"For him to hurt you, you must have done something to make him...angry."

"I already got the lecture from my mom last night when she saw me walk through the door with blood on my face. I don't need to hear it again. Besides, shouldn't you be asking me if I'm ok or offer to nurse me back to health?" He said jokingly.

"You got yourself into this, you dummy."

"Well you should see the other guys. When they punched Junhong, he punched them back ten times as hard. I was just trying to pull Junhong off of them."

"Are you sure that you didn't try to fight him?" I asked one more time. I knew that he tends to blink way more often when he lies.

"Joy," He said with a warm smile which made me want to respond with similar smile, but I held it back, "I would never do something like that." Hes lying. He petted my head, the way he did when we were younger. I grabbed his hand and took it off me.

"Fine, whatever. Do you want to walk to class together?" I placed the lock back on my locker. "You never accompany me anymore."

I heard HeoJun and Daewon's voices behind me and I noticed Jota's eyes move from me to them.

"Sorry Joy, maybe next time." He propped himself up from the locker next to mine and joined his to "friends." Jota was right. They looked way more banged up than he did.

The first bell rang, but I continued to stand in front of my locker for a bit longer as I watched other students go to class. I don't know how or why Jota is friends with those two guys but all I know is that he was a good person before.

I started walking to class and I reached for the doorknob the same time as someone else.

"Junhong," I said in surprise. "How are you? Have your wounds healed?" I don't know why I asked that, there was an obvious bandaid right under his eye. But he still didn't look as bad as Jota and his friends did.

"I'm fine." He said opening the door, but he didn't step in. He was opening it for me and waiting until I went in. "Thanks for asking." He suddenly added.

A/N* short chapter, sorry booboos
The picture in the media: the top is zelo and the bottom is jota whos my bias in Madtown~ I didn't really choose front facing pictures of jota yknow just in case you guys wanted to picture him differently or whatnot

Bad Boys are a lot of Trouble (BAP Zelo/ Red Velvet Joy/ Kpop Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now