Extra Chapter

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Let's go to the beach~each /// for hikaribangtan

After two full weeks of non-stop rain, I was surprised to finally wake up to a clear, sunny sky. Just in time too since I've been wanting to go to the beach lately, but the weather has always been messing up my plans.

Around noon, Junhong and Jota showed up at my house and I told Taewoon to hurry up since we were waiting on him.

Junhong and Jota were just awkwardly waiting in my living room, not really saying anything to each other. I guess they still haven't become anything other than acquaintances still. "Thanks for agreeing to come with me today~" I broke the silence by joining them into a group hug. It was a little forceful, I must admit, but if we're going to be spending the whole today together, they should talk.

"The last time I went to the beach was when both of our families took us. Remember when we rode on the plane to Jeju?" Jota reminisced and I nodded along.

"Of course! That was so fun. I also want to see if my sand castle building skills are still better than yours." I gave a nudge to Jota and then met eyes with Junhong. He had one earbud in his left ear and just stared at me for a few seconds before putting his attention back on his phone.

"Alright. Let's go!" Taewoon came running down the stairs with his backpack on and his keys in his hand. I sat in the front seat while Junhong and Jota sat in the back. To pass time, I tried to keep everyone entertained by playing the license plate game or I Spy, but they weren't really into that.

I almost ran out of the car when we finally got to the beach. I was the first one to step into the water and once I did, I knew it was going to be a perfect beach day.

I walked over to were the guys were and started to pull my brother, "C'mon Taewoon. Go into the water with me."

Instead, he pulled out his laptop from his backpack and started typing on it. Sheesh, who brings a laptop to the beach? "Sorry, I wanted to finish up my personal statement before tonight."

"Hmph, fine." I didn't want to argue with him when it came to school. I recently found out that Taewoon has been sending in applications and is planning to go to university.

Jota went to go exploring by himself which left Junhong and I alone. We walked alongside the water hand in hand and it felt like those super romantic movies hoho.

"What are you thinking about?" Junhong asked.

"Huh? Oh nothing. C'mon let's play in the water." I pulled him to the part of the ocean where it was just above our knees.

Junhong groaned, "I didn't want to get wet."

"Psh what? We're at the beach. What do you expect? Let's go further." I started trudging to get deeper into the water, but Junhong kept calling me back to him, "Don't go to far. I'm too lazy." He pouted and I rolled my eyes jokingly.

"Pabo." I said quietly, thinking he wouldn't hear me, but he did.

"Hmph well then, I'll just be going back to your brother." Junhong started marching away, subtly looking over his shoulder to see if I would go after him.

He smirked when I chased after him, but it wasn't what he expected. When I got close enough, I just pushed him into the water and he splashed in. When he popped back out, he slicked his hair back and looked at me with a glare.

Of course, I was just laughing at that point. But I stopped when Junhong stepped towards me and said with a slightly annoyed voice, "Fine, then I'm gonna make you wet too."

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