Chapter 6

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For one of the exercises in class, every single person had to stand up and write an answer on the board. One by one, people stood up and then returned to their seats. When it was Junhong's turn, I noticed that Ms. Ahn took a step back to keep her distance from him.

"That is correct. Thank you Junhong," Ms. Ahn said as she did to all of the students who got the right answer, but this time she said it more quietly.

When Junhong walked back to his seat, his elbow knocked over the cup of pens sitting on Ms. Ahn's desk. She rushed over to pick them up but before she could reach for them, Junhong was already picking them up. She looked shocked while gathering the remaining pens.

"Sorry," Junhong said, handing the cup to our teacher.

"Oh, no it's, thank you."


"Hi Junhong." I took my tray and placed it across from his in the cafeteria. "Is it ok if I sit here?"

He looked up at me then back down. "I guess it doesn't matter. You're gonna do it even if I tell you not to," Junhong said coldly, but I swore I saw a playful smirk on his mouth.

I smiled slightly feeling that there was a possibility that Junhong was acting more friendly. "This is the first time I've seen you in the cafeteria."

"Yeah well, I was just in the mood to today," he simply shrugged.

I played with my chopsticks for a bit before asking, " have you been, you know, recently?"

"Are you referring to my anger problems," He said with a bit of annoyance.

I nodded.

"And you care...why?"

"Well that's what friends do. They care about each other's problems. I want to make sure that you've been doing well."

"No one ever said that we were friends."

Ouch well okay then. But honestly, after seeing his small acts of kindness--opening the door for me, picking up Ms. Ahn's pencils, and even apologizing-- I know that deep down he's a nice person. And I could be the kind of person that can really bring that side out of him.

A lot of people think Junhong is a dangerous person--just a few days ago, I thought the same. But I just have a feeling that he isn't actually like that at all."Being friends with people kind of just happens. You don't normally ask for permission." I pointed out.

"You're too ambitious."

"Well...I don't think so. Everyone needs friends though right?"

"I don't think our personalities match."

"They always say that opposites attract." I said, even though according to my Psychology class, I know that's not true.

"So what? You're attracted to me now?"

"Yeah." I answered, but received a weird look from Junhong.

"Well not like thaaat. I mean as friends of course." I nodded."Earlier today I asked if you were ok and you smiled for the first time."

He rolled his eyes as if his cover has been blown. "I was just being nice for once. It's not a regular thing."

"Hmm well anyway, thanks for letting me eat lunch with you today. That's a small sign that you want to take a step towards our friendship." I said eagerly.

He chuckled and rolled his eyes again, "I don't really think a friendship would work out between us. Our personalities are different. You're too cute. Like a lost dog or something. And I'm not like that."

"Umm I'm just going to take that as a compliment because dogs are cute so thanks."

"I hate dogs though," Junhong uttered.

"Oh. But you like me right?"

He glared at me. "It was easier when you were scared to talk to me."

"I was never scared to talk to you." I lied.

"Oh really? Remember when I went to your house to get my things from you? You were stuttering like crazy. Of course you were scared of me."

I sighed, "That was before. And you came off kind of mean, but I really don't believe you're like that."

He notched his eyebrow at me, "So do you want to be my friend that badly?"

I nodded and shrugged at the same time. I realized that I'm coming off quite strong.

"Well what are you gonna do when I get angry and blow up at you then."

I thought for a second. "I don't think you would do that. B-but if it did, I can help you try to control it. Just like last time."

Junhong rubbed the back of his neck. He didn't look like he was happy with my answer. "You're too naïve, Joy. But....I guess you're not that bad. There are people in this school who could be more annoying than you."

"So...are we like friends on a trial basis?" I said, trying to be funny.

"Whatever. You can call it what you want. But later on if something happens, don't say I didn't warn you."

A/N* Zelo such a moody baby tbh
Also I didn't want Joy to be too timid like she was in the beginning of the story. She needs personality too lol. But timidness may come out some times because she's a sweet little cinnamon roll.

Bad Boys are a lot of Trouble (BAP Zelo/ Red Velvet Joy/ Kpop Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now