Chapter 21

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Yesterday, I walked home by myself. It wouldn't have made sense to get a ride from Junhong after what happened. Honestly, I don't know what I was expecting. Ideally he would've said he liked me back. I thought he would have.

I was about to go the whole day without talking to Junhong. I guess we were both avoiding each other. I walked by the parking lot and I saw Junhong standing by his car. I was about to turn the other way but then I realized that there were 2 other guys standing with him. They were from another class.

"Dude can you just calm down?" One of them said.

"Let's get out of here. This guy is crazy." The second one said and that's all it took for Junhong to punch him.

I ran towards them and pulled Junhong from doing anything further.
"Junhong, stop." I said.

"What the hell was that for?" The guy on the ground blurted out.

Junhong released his arms from my hold took a step closer to him. From afar I see a teacher heading to her car.

"Please don't say anything. Don't get him in trouble." I whispered to the second guy. If Junhong was caught in another fight, he was going to be expelled.

"Stay out of this." Junhong told me through gritted teeth.

"But there's a teacher right there." I pointed.

The two guys turned around wide-eyed. "Ok you know what? We didn't want to start any trouble ok? Just leave us alone and we won't say anything." They left, but not without giving both of us dirty looks.

"What did they do that you had to punch one of them??"

"They were leaning against my car " He said as if they committed a serious crime.

"That's it..? Couldn't you have told them nicely to get off? Don't you remember you'll get expelled if you get into another fight?"

"Mind your own business. I don't need you meddling every damn time."

I closed my eyes and released a sigh, "Ok you know what? Can you just forget that I told you that I like you? If that's the reason why you're acting like this, just please forget I ever said anything. I'll never bring it up again."

He looked at me skeptically, "Do you promise?"

"If that's what it takes. I'll do as you say, and I'll stop liking you. Let's stay friends." If only it was as easy as that. I don't know how I'm supposed to do this but I have no other choice.


It was hard trying not to like Junhong.I had the butterfly feeling every time I saw him but I suppressed it.

Junhong was starting to act normal again, well "normal" as in he wasn't constantly getting angry. We continued to talk, but it felt different. I should have known that our friendship would turn awkward if I confessed to him.

"I have an announcement everyone. I need 2 students to stay after class and help with some office work for extra credit." Ms. Ahn looked at the bored and unwilling eyes of her students and took out a bowl with papers in it. "I was sure that I wouldn't have any eager volunteers, so I'm going to pick names out of this bowl. The first name is...Hyejin and the second is...Joy."

I heard some sighs of relief from the lucky students who didn't have to do the extra work and I looked around the classroom for Hyejin. "Oh I forgot, she's absent today, so...Junhong..." Ms. Ahn paused and stared at the paper for a few seconds. "J-Junhong, would it be ok with you to stay after class today?"

"Fine." He replied.

I squeezed my pencil out of frustration. Of course Hyejin just had to choose today to be sick with pneumonia making Junhong and I the only two people who are to stay after school together.

Bad Boys are a lot of Trouble (BAP Zelo/ Red Velvet Joy/ Kpop Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now