Chapter 9

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"So we have one more day until the project is due. We have to finish all of the work tonight." I said as Junhong and I walked out of the class.

"Well we're basically done right? I finished my half. Did you type up the thesis?"

"Uhh no...I didn't get to it yet," I admitted.

"What about the pictures and figurines we have to bring in?"

"Sorry...I didn't get to that either. I'll work on that when I get home..."

"Well did you at least write your note cards so you know what you're gonna say?"

I twirled my hair around my finger nervously, "No I'm really sorry. I got started but there's still so many things that I wasn't able to do. Did you really finish your part of the project already?"

"Yeah I did. Why weren't you able to get your work finished? Aren't you the kind of girl who does these projects like weeks in advanced?"

"Yeah usually...but I've been pretty busy at home dealing with other things so I forgot about finishing the project. But I'll stay up late tonight to do my share. I also have to do the math and science homework that are due tomorrow too. Ugh why do teachers assign so much homework and projects??"

"You're slippin. Get it together Joy," Junhong teased.

"Yeah yeah I know. I'll do it all tonight so don't worry. We won't have to turn in anything late."

"Need help?" Junhong suggested. I looked at him and as always he wore no expression on his face.

"Really? You'd help me finish my part of the project?"

"Well one reason I partnered up with you was so I could get an A and if you slack off, all the work I did would have been a waste." That sounded like the Junhong I was more familiar with.
"I'd love your help it's ok. I'll get it done on my own," I sighed. "I have to go straight home today so we won't be able to work in the library."

"We'll just do it at your house I guess."

"But I thought you didn't want to come to my home." I reminded from the last time we tried figuring out our studying arrangements.

"Do you want my help or not?"

"Yes! I want your help."

We got into his car and drove to my home from school. I expected the ride to be silent like last time, except for when I would tell him to directions to my house. Surprisingly he was playing music in his car. He was playing "Coffee" by BTS.

"Hey you have your radio on this time." I pointed out.

He looked over his shoulder before turning on his blinker and making a left turn. "Yeah. I realized that I didn't like driving when it was quiet."

"Hmm I also didn't think you were the kpop-listening kind of guy. I love BTS."

"Yeah they're cool I guess." Finally we reached my home. "So why did you have to go straight home today."

"Um just because I have to take care of something..." I dug in my bag for my keys and found the Sailor Moon keychain that I was looking for.

[Junhong's POV]

"So you can just sit down in the living room and watch TV or something." She fast walked from the door to the kitchen and opened up a cabinet "I have to check on something upstairs." I saw her grab the yellow pill bottle and she was trying her best to cover it with her hands while she ran up the stairs.

Bad Boys are a lot of Trouble (BAP Zelo/ Red Velvet Joy/ Kpop Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now