Telling Red

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Liz pov...

I get to the bathroom just in time to throw up. I stay sitting on the floor not in a hurry to get up.
I'm getting scared now, how do I hide it if I just keep being sick. I really don't know what to do.

I hear someone knocking on the door and hear Red call out to me "are you alright Lizzie"
"No, not really" I think I am saying it in my head but when Red responds "why, what's wrong" I realise I said it outloud.

I get up and put a few mints in my mouth, wash my hands and walk out to my bedroom where Red is sitting on my bed, he smiles when he sees me walk out. I sit next to him and say "I'm sorry"
He asks "what for?"
I tell him "I did something stupid"
He puts his arm around me and says "what did you do?"
I whisper to him "the night before I shot Connolly I was on the boat with Tom"
He doesn't understand asks confused "how is that stupid?"
I mumble "I'm pregnant" but he still hears me.
He tells me "look at me Lizzie" so I look up at him and he says "that's not stupid, you have always wanted a family and now you have a chance to start your own"
I nod and say "yeah but I am by myself and on the run"
He laughs and says "I will always be here for you, you will never be alone and as for on the run the place we are going in Russia is a house you own, you will be safe there and we can stay for as long as we want"
"Really?" I say
He nods and says "yes really"
It's silent for a moment before he asks "this is what you have been thinking about all morning isn't it"
I nod and say "I had a feeling so I had a few tests and it was confirmed by a doctor, I didn't know how you would react"
His smile grows and says "I will always be here to support you in any way you want"
I hug him and say "thank you so much Ray"
He is surprised when I call him that as I only ever call him Red or Reddington but I feel we are getting close now and I want to call him something different.
He smiles and says "that's new"
I laugh and say "you needed a name other that Red"
He says "I like it"

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