Task force

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Liz pov...
I got a message from Donald saying he wanted to meet up to talk about the task force with everyone. I agree so we plan it for in an hour in my house.

I sit on the couch with a blanket on top of me and there is a knock on the door. Ray opens it and in comes Harold, Aram, Donald and Samar they sit down while Ray goes to get everyone a drink. Donald says "Liz sorry for everything that happened but now that you have been cleared Harold and I would like to set up the task force again"

No one speaks but Ray walks in and gives everyone a drink, I pull out my left hand from under the blanket to get my drink and Samar sees the ring on my finger and asks "did you get engaged?"
I say no "it's only a promise ring that he will be there for us?"
Harold asks "who is it from"
I look up at Ray and everyone realises. Donald says "what did you mean be there for us?"
I take a deep breath and say "that is the problem with setting up the task force at the moment I am 7 months pregnant with a baby girl"
Aram says "your kidding"
I lift off the blanket and say "no I'm not"
Samar says "7 months, that's means it was when you first went on the run"
I say "actually no it was the night before Connolly was shot"
Donald asks "who is the baby's father?"
I say "Tom and no he doesn't know I haven't spoken to him since that night when he left to travel on his boat"
Harold says "this does make this more complicated but I still want the task force active if you are willing, you won't have to come in until you are ready to but I'm sure there are many names on the Blacklist that need to be stopped"
I nod and Ray says "I have many names to go"
I say "I am fine with setting up the task force again but I won't come in until a few months after she is born. I can work from home until then"
Harold says "that's fine, Red will you work with that"
Ray nods and Harold says "good, I'm glad the force is back now".

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