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Ray pov...

I met Liz at the door of the hospital as Dembe showed up at home a minute after Liz went into labor. I follow her into her room and she is checked on by the doctor and told that it is time to push.

I hold her hand and look at her face trying to comfort her and help her through it. We soon hear the screams of a baby and I see Liz's baby girl.
The baby is checked out before being given to Liz and I ask "do you have a name for your baby girl?"
She smiles and says "it's our baby girl and her name is Caroline Mackenzie Keen Reddington"
I smile so much and say "I love it"
She hands Caroline to me to hold and once I give her back to Liz she says "you can let Dembe in, I'm sure he would like to meet Caroline"
I nod and walk out to Dembe and see that Harold, Samar, Ressler and Aram are here to so I say to all of them "Liz is ready for visitors now"

They all nod and stand up, I walk into Liz's room and say "I found some more people who want to see you"
She asks "who?"
I don't respond as everyone walks in, Liz says "hi"
They all smile and walk over to Liz and she looks at me and says "meet our daughter Caroline Mackenzie Keen Reddington"
Aram says "what a great name"
Samar says "she's so cute, can I hold her?"
Liz nods and everyone takes turns holding Caroline before Harold says "congratulations and we will leave now so you can rest now" and the team leaves so it's just Liz, Caroline, Dembe and I left in the room.

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