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Liz pov...

I can't believe that we are really back in DC. We go straight to Aram's to get help from him as we know he always thought I was innocent. He doesn't take much convincing to help us.

We explain to him about the warehouse and all the security that we know of and about how inside the warehouse is all the evidence we need to clear my name.
He says that he will figure out how to make the warehouse safe for us to enter and not get caught.
He has a place for us to hide while he figures everything out.

After two days Aram has figured out how we can get the evidence safely and won't get caught.
We go that day.
Aram deactivates the cameras and opens the electronic door.
We walk in not knowing what to expect when we get in its an empty warehouse expect from a locked safe in the centre. It takes Ray an hour to unlock it with Aram's help. Inside the safe is files of information on the Cabal as well as tapes of security footage which I guess with have more evidence proving what that do. I hope it is enough.

We take all the evidence back to Aram's house and upload some of the most important information to the Internet so that everyone can see it.
Aram takes everything else that we found into work to show everyone.

Aram pov...

I get into work and carry two boxes full of evidence to Ressler. I say "this was dropped off at my house this morning, it adds to what information has been posted on the internet about the Cabal. This information exposes hundreds of people around the world who are corrupt and some of the work they have done"
Ressler doesn't believe what I say but he has a look at the information and sees more of the work of the Cabal. It's hard to believe some of the names as they were people who we would have trusted.
The information gets sent up through the ranks, some people don't believe what it says but is gets leaked to the media and people start to believe the information.

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