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Red pov...

Liz gave birth to Caroline two days ago and now they are both being released and can go home.
We collect all of our stuff from the hospital room and take it to the car. We fill out the forms before we leave.  Liz gets in the back of the car and buckles Caroline into her car seat and we drive home.
We get home and I walk in first with the stuff and Liz follows me with Caroline in her arms and we walk into the living room and the team is there and they all say "welcome home"
Liz smiles and passes around Caroline so everyone can hold her while we all talk. We decide that I can give the team cases for them to work on and I can work from home like Liz was or go in every few days for the next few months while Liz is still at home. I think it's a good idea as the list will get smaller of criminals to catch and at the same time I get to spend time with Liz and Caroline.
Everyone stays over for lunch while we all talk more before the team has to go back to work.

Liz feeds Caroline a bottle before putting Caroline in her crib to sleep some more.
I put on a movie and it's The Spiderwick Chronicles. We cuddle together on the couch and watch the movie, Liz falls asleep half way through and I keep watching the movie. Just as it ends Caroline starts to cry and Liz is waking up but I tell her "go back to sleep I've got her". I get up and pick up Caroline and she stops crying instantly and I rock her back to sleep and put her back down in the crib and go back to the couch and cuddle with Liz and she mumbles "I love you Ray"
I say "I love you too Lizzy"
And she falls back asleep. Both her and Caroline wake up a few hours later so I start to get dinner ready and we eat and tidy up before giving Caroline a bath and getting her ready for bed. I read a story and Caroline falls asleep to the sound of your voice. Liz turns on the baby monitor and we go out into the living room and watch some random show on tv but I'm not paying much attention. I look at Liz and she looks back and asks "is everything alright"
I nod and say "everything is great"
I pick up both her hands and look into her eyes before saying "Lizzy I love everything about you and don't know what I would do without you, I am in love with our daughter and don't know what I would do if I lost this family so Liz will you marry me?"
She smiles and nods before saying "of course, I love you so much"
I smile and pull a box out of my pocket and say "what do you think of this?"

 I look at Liz and she looks back and asks "is everything alright"I nod and say "everything is great"I pick up both her hands and look into her eyes before saying "Lizzy I love everything about you and don't know what I would do without you, I am ...

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She says "it's beautiful Ray"
I smile and say "good now we can swap it with the promise ring you have"
She nods and swaps the rings before saying "I love you so much, I can't believe that this is happening I feel as if it's a dream that I am about to wake up from"
I say "I can assure you, you are not dreaming. This is very much real".

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