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Liz pov...

I get woken up by my two children shaking me and saying "mommy wake up"
I open my eyes and say "morning"
They smile and Caroline says "it's Christmas mommy"
I nod and say "let's get up then, we can have breakfast before you open your presents"

I get up and help Ray with making breakfast of pancakes and fruit salad. Ray puts mine and his plates down on the table, I put the plates down in front of my six year old daughter Caroline and our three year old son Theo Rayden Reddington.
It was just after Caroline's third birthday when I found out that I was pregnant again, Ray was so happy that he was getting to be a dad again. We didn't find out his gender until he was born where Ray picked Theo and I thought Rayden for a middle name after Ray.

We finish breakfast and tidy away the mess before sitting on the floor in front of the Christmas tree.
Ray picks up a present and passes it to Theo, we watch as he opens it before Ray picks up the next one and hands it to Caroline. This continues in a circle each of us opening a present until they are all opened. Ray picks up the last one from under the tree which is for him, he opens the box,  looks me and asks "really"
I nod and he smiles. He says "I can't wait"
Caroline asks "what are you waiting for"
Ray says "mommy's pregnant, you are getting another baby brother or sister"
She says "yay" and Theo claps his hands.
Most of the presents were clothes, books, DVDs, toys, games,and some other things.

We play some of the games before Ray starts cooking lunch. The doorbell rings and I open it to Cooper, Charlene, Aram, Samar, Malia, Ressler, Kenzie, Gabe and Isobel. Malia is Samar and Aram's four year old daughter. Kenzie and Gabe are Ressler and Isobel's two year old twins.
They come in and presents are handed to the children, we had decided that the adults didn't need presents so it was only for them.

They all talk while I go check on Ray in the kitchen. He is almost finished so I help to set the food up. Once the food is done everyone gets some food and sits down at the table. We eat our food with some talking.
I hear Samar ask Caroline "what was one of you favourite presents?"
Caroline smiles and says "I haven't gotten it yet"
Samar asks "why not"
Caroline says "I have to wait for them to be born"
Samar turns to me and asks "are you?"
I nod and say "yeah I'm pregnant"
She says "congratulations, how did you tell them?"
I say "I gave the positive test to Ray as a present then we told the children"
Cooper turns to us and asks "what are you two talking about"
I go to speak but Caroline speaks first and says "mommys pregnant"
The table goes silent and they look at me, I nod and they all say congratulations.

We talk for a bit before everyone goes back to their own homes.
We decide to relax a bit so we watch a movie, we all cuddle together on the couch to watch it. After half an hour both the children are asleep.

Ray looks at me and says "almost every case on the blacklist has been completed, I was thinking that when it is we can all go on a family holiday"
I nod and say "that sounds like a great idea. What are you going to do once the list is complete?"
He says "I will keep the business going but probably stay at home more with the children. Are you going to keep working with the FBI?"
I say "I don't know, I did think about staying home with the children more"
He nods and says "we can both stop working and have more family time, that way we can spend more time together and not miss out on the little moments".
I nod and ask "how did I become lucky enough to have our family and life?"
He says "I ask myself the same question every day"

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