**Chapter 9** F.D.

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Eventually, I got to my first period classroom. I was just glad I wouldn't be thinking about my shoes any more. I sat in the next to back row. I wanted to sit in the back to seem cooler. Or should I say less lame? But if you sit in the back, the teacher always, not sometimes, ALWAYS assumes you are the bad kid and will move you to the front. I didn't want to sit in the very back any way. There were a bunch of popular-looking kids, and I hadn't spoken to any of them. I didn't want to become the nerd of the back row.

The slam of a door interrupted my thoughts.

"Good morning, students!" he said loudly but with no emotion. He'd probably been teaching for years!

"Sit down so both you all and I can get this over with! Sound good?"

There was no response, and he didn't seem to care. He walked to his desk and sat behind his computer, not saying a word. He wore a gray long-sleeved polo with ordinary dad jeans and weird looking moccasins. He looked like he was in his early 50's.

"Uh..What's your name, though?" asked some girl trying to draw the room's attention to her, breaking the silence. She had subtle red hair but no freckles like expected. She wore sunglasses on the top of her head. Gucci, I think, but then again I never kept up with the real girly brands. Did Gucci even make mens' clothes....wear,...whatever Gucci even made?

"Well, Miss," Mr. Georgely said as he slowly walked over to her desk, leaning over it and staring her in the face as she smacked on her gum and looked up with ignorance, "why don't you just look on your schedule?" He said it as if he was talking to a little kid. I chuckled out loud with others, while some guys looked at the girl and shouted, "Yeah, Kim!"

She rolled her eyes, but she knew deep down she was getting the attention she had hoped for. The mood was hysterical, until one guy made the wrong comment....

"Stupid fire crotch!" he laughed along with his friends at his perverted joke.

"Get out." said Mr. Georgely without even taking his eyes off his computer screen.

Everyone was still and silent.

"Did you students not hear me?" he said with slight anger. "Mr. Martin, I think it would be good for you to go have a little chat with the dean, yes?"

"Really?!" the kid sighed while looking at Georgely with a grin.

"It's not a question. It's a command. And make sure you go straight to the dean and not wonder the halls. I'm sending an e-mail to Mr. Bradley right now actually so he knows to expect you."

When he was done typing, he looked up and gave the kid a sarcastic smile. The Martin kid got up and grabbed his bag. He walked as slow as he could out of the classroom and shuffled his feet too. No one talked for a while after. We sat in solitude, which I'm sure Georgely liked. After 10 minutes of pure boredom, Georgely then said, "You, freshmen, aren't very talkative."

We took it as a hint that we could now officially talk and not get sent to Bradley. We slowly started to have little conversations. Well, everybody but me did anyway. I sat with my legs straight and spread out in my skinny jeans, with my arms crossed, staring at my desk. I thought, and that was it. Every once in a while, I would look up at the clock. Only two or three minutes would have passed by. Even though, it seemed like eternitity!

Someone tapped me on my shoulder. I turned to my right to see why they would have tapped ME! It was a guy. He wasn't the hottest guy around, but he was cute. He had blonde hair and was kind of short.

"Yeah?" I asked since I figured he was waiting for me to start the conversation, while I was waiting for vice versa.

"Are you..uh..Mikayla?"

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