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Season 2 Finale
{Previously On The Dead Rebirth}

Tanner: Alright so go over the plan one more time please

Brad: Okay so since we need the strongest fighters here to help clear out the cafeteria we need some people to travel down to find the armory and see what's left there so with that out of the way it'll be German, Ash, Matt, Ry, Zoey, Baylee, Caitlin and I fighting in the cafeteria and you, Jay, Zach, Karl, Amy and Danny will go to the armory

Zach: Whoa whoa whoa half the people you listed to go to the armory are strong what the hell

Brad: I need someone who's quick I need it done fast

Amy: What about my son?

Brad: We will put him in the cell until it's safe

Jay: This is bull shit

Brad: I don't care

Zach: Who even put you in charge? I say we have a vote system not this

Brad: You want to do this now? Or do you want to get the job done

Zach: Both

Baylee: Hey! Can we worry about this later?

Zach: I guess whatever

Baylee: Thank you now go

{Zach, Tanner, Jay, Danny, Amy and Karl Leave For The Armory}

Brad: Okay Leo you know what you need to do?

Leo: Yeah *Goes inside a cell*

Brad: You good?

Leo: Yeah

Brad: *Gives a thumbs up*

{Cell block alarm}
{Cells slowly close}
{Cells Close}

Brad: Everyone ready?

Caitlin: As ready as I'll ever be

Ash: *Takes a deep breathe} I'm good

German: As ready as I'll ever be

Ry: So let's light em' up

Matt: I got the chains *Starts Taking The Chain Off*

{Chain Falls To The Floor}

Matt: Okay here they.... *Opens the door* Come!

{Everyone charges at the walkers}

Zach: Can you believe that we have to do this I mean we are strong

Danny: Just drop it seriously

Zach: You know what no...

Tanner: Drop it

Zach: Let's leave

Tanner: What?

Amy: You crazy

Zach: No I'm serious lets go

Tanner: Fuck that I still care about the people fighting for that cafeteria right now

Zach: Then let's kill Brad... Tonight once he clears the room

Danny: What the hells wrong with you!

Jay: Yeah seriously

Zach: His decisions have gotten to many of us killed! He is just a bad leader!

Tanner: You're still alive aren't you!

Zach: Well look at us! We are holding on by a thread!

{Heavy Gunfire go off back at the cell block}

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