Will Rip

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Episode 2

Brad: *Panting*

Zach: Brad! We need to go! Caitlin and Sasha can't keep shooting them off us

Brad: *Picks up his machete and walks towards a house*

Zach: Brad! Brad!

Baylee: Zach! Help me

Zach: I got you let's just go to the tower come on

Brad: *Walks straight towards the kitchen and clears the counter off*

Jessie: psst what are you doing here

Brad: Don't ask *Turns on the sink and cleans the machete off* Can you do me a favor

Jessie: What... Is that a-

Brad: Bite? Yes now get over here

Jessie: Okay what do you need

Brad: I'll hold my arm down you take out this chunk surrounding the bite

Jessie: It doesn't work like that

Brad: We have to try! We don't have time to wait *Hands over the machete*

Jessie: It might cause nerve damage though

Brad: Just cut it pleas... I don't want to die

Jessie: *Takes the machete* okay

Brad: *Holds down his arm and looks away* Now do it

Jessie: On the count of 3 1...2.... *Starts cutting the chunk of flesh off

Brad: *Trying not to scream*ahhh...

Jessie: Almost.... *Machete hits the counter* got it

Brad: *Breathes rapidly* Okay good now we wait do we have any *Passes out*

Jessie: Oh Jesus


German: It's starting to clear keep fighting!

Rick: Agreed don't stop now!

Rosita: Rick the gate no walkers are on the outside we just got these ones left

Rick: Daryl can you go shy the gate

Daryl: Yeah Michonne lets go

Michonne: Okay

{Daryl and Michonne make it to the gate and shut it one by one the walkers fell until there was nothing left}
{Everyone who was out in the street are covered in blood}

Rick: Excellent work everybody now... Let's get the bodies outta here

{5 Hours later}

Brad: *Slowly wakes up* Ahh shit

Jessie: Hey how do you feel?

Brad: I feel horrible...

Jessie: Well yeah you got a big chunk of your arm taken out and you by your head on the counter when you passed out

Brad: I see... Wait why isn't there anymore gunfire?

Jessie: It's all clear nothing to be done now but they are still piling on the gate so it might be another issue

Brad: What are they doing now?

Jessie: Cleaning the Walker remains

Brad: We should go help*Tries to get up*

Jessie: You need to rest you aren't going anywhere

Brad: Wait this is my house how did I-

Jessie: Rick and Carl helped me get you here

Brad: Thank you

Jessie: Yeah just... Get better okay

Brad: *Nods his head* I knew I should've walked away... But I couldn't do it... I thought I could... But couldn't.... But it was worth it... Very much...

End Of Episode 2

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