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Episode 4

Jay: What did we miss!?!?

Glenn: Oh god he's losing a lot of blood!

Rick: What were those shots...

Glenn: Rick that man he must be going crazy or something

Zach: *Wakes up* Ugh what... What hit me...

Rick: *Walks over to zach*


Zach: Whoa Rick what are you doing!

Rick: Why did you open fire on him

Zach: I... I don't know

Brad: *Stands in front of Zach* Don't point your gun at him

Rick: You really want to vouch for him?

Brad: I'll do whatever it takes to protect my people

Rick: Move out of the way

Brad: No

Rick: Move.

Brad: No.

Zach: Brad it's okay

Rick: He needs to be stopped

Brad: It was one accident you are seriously going to kill him over it!

Rick: Move.

Brad: *Draws machete* No

Morgan: Rick don't do it...

Rick: *Stares down Brad*

Brad: Whatever it takes *Tightens grip*

Rick: *Lowers his gun and tilts his head*

Daryl: Rick don't

Rick: Whatever it takes huh *Whips his machete out and tries to kill Brad*

Brad: *Dodges his attack*

Brad: I didn't want it to come to this *Charges at rick*

{Ricks and Brads Machete Blades Hit each other's}

Rick: *Kicks brad in the leg*

Brad: AH! *Falls to the ground*

Rick: *Raises machete high in the air* Ahh!!!


Brad: *Rolls out of the way* Jesus

Rick: *Panting*

Deanna: Rick stop!

Maggie: Rick!

Jacob: Brad stop this now!

Zach: It's not worth it!

Rick: This is between me and him!

Brad: *Rams into ricks stomach*

Rick: *Elbows Brads back and throws him off him*

Brad: *Panting* *Stares down Rick* *thinks to himself* [What am I doing...]

Rick: *Runs towards Brad*


Brad: *Steps back after ricks powerful punch* *Wipes the blood off his face* THAT ALL YOU GOT!

Rick: *Tilts his head towards brad*

Brad: I'm not done yet! My people are more important! I'll die protecting the ones I care about!

Rick: Is that why Zander and Tanner are dead?

Brad: Shut up! I knew I shouldn't have told you that!

Rick: Or what about Zoey?

Brad: I'll kill you!

Rick: Bring-


Michonne: Enough is enough *Drops rock*

Baylee: Couldn't have said it better myself *checks her fist*

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