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Season 6 episode 1

Baylee: Who are you

Masked Stranger: We don't have time for that lets go

Ry: Why should we?

Masked: Because those explosions are going to draw a shit load of walkers and they will rip this place apart and anyone in it now move

Zach: Come on everyone


Ry: No!

Zach: Ow you fucker!

Baylee: Why did you shoot him!

Masked Stranger: I heard he was a jackass

Zach: So you shoot me in the arm!

Ry: Where did you hear it from?

Masked Stranger: No time lets go!

{Everyone from the meat locker runs to the lobby doors}

Masked Stranger: Shit we are to late walkers are breaking in

Zach: Well what do we do then!

Masked Stranger: Want me to shoot your other arm

{Lobby Doors Shatter}

Masked Stranger: Everyone run upstairs now!


Baylee: Come on!

{Voices coming from the floor above them}

Ry: What floor is this

Amy: Floor 7

Masked Stranger: Shit more of prices men in here *Busts open a room*

Baylee: Shut the door behind you zach

Zach: On it

{Door closes}
{The sound of walkers flooding the floor can be heard in the room}

Masked Stranger: *Looks out the window* Okay I got our escape route

Ry: Hell no!

Amy: I'm not letting Leo jump out of this building to fall 7 stories to a pool!

Masked Stranger: Fine then stay here *Shatters the window*

Baylee: You have got to be kidding me are you-

Masked Stranger: *Jumps out the window and lands in the pool*

Ry: Holy shit!

{Door Starts to break open}

Walker: GAHHH

Baylee: Fuck this *Jumps out the window and lands in the pool*

{Door completely busts open}

Ry: I'm out *Jumps and lands into the pool*

Zach: Amy come on!

Amy: I can't!

Leo: *Breaks away from Amy's grasps and gets ready to jump*

Amy: Don't you dare!

Leo: I want to live I'm sorry! *Jumps and lands into the pool*

Zach: Amy go!

Amy: I can't!

{Walkers grab Amy and zach}

zach: Fuck! *Squirms away and jumps landing in the pool*

{Amy screaming}

Baylee: Amy!

Leo: Mom No!

{Splat Splat Splat}

Zach: Holy cow it's raining walkers

Masked Stranger: Sweet this one has a weapon stuck in him

Ry: That's... That's Brads machete!

Zach: What the hell

Baylee: Jesus...

Masked Stranger: Someone you know?

Ry: Yeah...

Masked Stranger: I'm sorry then...

Baylee: Let's just go home... I'm soaking and it's getting colder out

Zach: I second that

Ry: You coming with us?

Masked Stranger: Only for a little while but I can't stay

Baylee: Understood

Zach: Leo... We need to go

Leo: *Wipes away the tears* Okay

{Distant gunshot}

Baylee: Uhhh that sounded like it was a distance away

Zach: Should we investigate?

Baylee: Let's do it tomorrow I'm getting colder

Ry: What if it's brad we have to push forward

Baylee: Zach what do you say?

Zach: Uhhh I choose

End Of Episode 1 Season 6

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