World Gone Cold

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Episode 6

{The Next Morning}

Brad: *Gasp*

{People Screaming}

Brad: *Gets up and walks down the hall*

{Screaming gets louder}
{Bodies are everywhere}

Brad: Oh god...*Goes outside*

{Andy killed Leon, Jay, Karl, Amy, Leo, Ry, Bea, Caitlin, Ash, Baylee, Tanner, German, Danny, And Zoey}

Brad: No... No...


Brad: NO!


{Andy Kills Brad}

Brad: *Wakes up* Ah.... *Feels his stomach the bleeding has stopped. Gets up and goes to the medicine cabinet and takes a lot of pain killers* *Starts to wonder around the prison but noticed no one was there* hello! Anyone here? *Notices a lot of guns and ammo missing* Please don't tell me...

{Brad gets in a car and drives to red wood}
{Heavy gunfire gets closer and closer}

Brad: *Stops the car and gets out* Jesus

{People screaming}

Brad: *Grabs his gun and quietly goes to the back of the walled community*

{Andy screaming in the distance}

Brad: *Feels uncontrollable anger*

{Brad carefully and quietly climbs the wall}

Brad: *Notices zach*

Zach: Guys I need....

Brad: *Puts Zach in a choke hold and takes control of his gun*

{One by one Andys men fell}

Zach: *Elbows brads stomach*

Brad: Ahh! *Bends forward*

Zach: *Knees brad in the face*

Brad: *Gets up and punches Zach*

Zach: *Grabs where he stabbed brad and pulls ripping the stocked open*

Brad: AHH!!! *Head butts Zach in the face*

Zach: *Falls over*

Brad: Is this what you wanted!

Zach: What I want is you dead!

Brad: I ain't dying soon bitch so keep trying!

Zach: All you had to do was share control instead you made all the decisions and that got people killed!

Brad: I don't see you dead do I!

Zach: What about Jacob and Zander! Huh!

Andy: *Walks over to brad and zach* damn what does it take to kill you man

Brad: A lot more the. What you are doing that's for sure *Puts his hands behind his back and rolls up his sleeve revealing a grenade* *Pulls the grenade pin*

Andy: *Walks over to brad* Zach this is how you kill someone *Looks back to brad*

Brad: *Shoves the grenade in Andys mouth breaking almost all his teeth*

Andy: *Gagging*

Brad: *Kicks andy towards zach and ducks*

{Brad Killed andy}

Brad: *Flees the camp*

{The battle ended 10 minutes after Brad left only a few people remain from Andys group}

End of episode 6

Next episode title: Rebuilding

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