The Stuggles of Survival

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{People panicking}

Owen: Andrew! Leon! Somebody! Come in!

{There's nothing but static on the radio}

Owen: *tears roll down as he falls to his knees* God dammit!

Cody: Get up!

Owen: They're dead man!

Cody: We don't know that!

Brad: Sector A and B are flooded I don't think they made it

Cody: What....

Cole: This is so fucked!

Owen: We're all fucked!

Zach: Hey now don't-

Owen: ITS TRUE! *jumps up and grabs zach*

Zach: Let go of me!


Zach: I said get off! *pushes Owen to the ground*

Owen: Death...death just sent a fucking army right to our front door

Brad: He might've but we didn't let him in he let himself in!

Owen: And that's supposed to make me feel better!

Brad: We have the firepower and knowledge we can win this

Caitlin: Yeah they move slow we move fast it's simple

Owen: How does our speed help us?

Caitlin: I'm talking about physically and mentally

Owen: I'm not following

Brad: Look if we stay 2 steps ahead from the walkers we will win but if we sit on our ass and wait for them to break down a wall and kill us all then well that's game over humanity went out like a bitch

Owen: Who cares! If humanity did go out like that then who would even be here on this planet to care or even record our history!


Owen: Huh?

Cody: The hell!

{Cody, Caitlin, Brad, Zach and a small group of people run towards the gunshot}

Woman: NO!!! *holding a dead corpse*

Brad: What happened here!

Woman: Oh my god my poor baby boy why!!!!!!

Brad: FUCK! This is not the time to give up people!

Owen: It's the perfect time to give up...

Brad: Shut the fuck up!


Owen: *gets knocked out*

Cody: Why did you do that!

Brad: There are a million maybe more walkers just outside those walls! We don't have time for negative people!

{People star gathering around}

Brad: There's still a huge amount of us! We can win! And Zach, Caitlin and I can help! We've done this for years now! YEARS! We used to be apart of a community called "Alexandria" and their walls collapsed and hundreds of walkers flooded in and we took them all out by working together!

Man: Yeah but that was hundreds not thousands maybe even millions

Brad: I have a plan for that

Cody: What?

Brad: We open the gates and we let a decent amount of walkers threw and use that armored truck to ram the walkers and block the gate and once we take out the patch we let in we back the truck up let another patch in and we keep doing that until there's none left BUT! We cannot use guns! If we can take them out quietly and not disturb the others we can take them out with ease!

Cody: What if the wall collapses?

Cole: It won't sector C has the most reinforced walls

Brad: If by some unknown reason this fails....then everyone needs to break the back wall down and they need to get as many people together as they possibly can and get the fuck out! We can all regroup at the mall that's located not to far from here

Zach: Sounds good to me

Brad: Then what are we waiting for?

{Gates screech open}

Walkers: GAHH!!!

{Brad, Caitlin and Zach are standing in front of the large crowd of people with various melee weapons}

Brad: NOW!

Cody: *steps on the gas pedal*

Walkers: GAHH!!!


Walkers: GAHH!!

Cody: Give em hell!

Brad: Kill them all!

{The people standing behind Brad, Caitlin and Zach run at the walkers yelling}

People: AHHHH!!!!!!!! *weapons raised in the air*

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