No way out

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Rick: *Panting* They just keep coming!

Brad: We have to keep fighting!


Heath: Ah!

Walker: *Bites heaths calf*

Brad: Heath!

Aaron: I got him keep fighting!

{Gunfire hit all around Rick and Brad}

Negan: *Standing on the catwalk* Kill them all my Saviors!

Rick: Oh my god

Negan: You will pay for this you backstabbing pieces of shit!

{Negans men are covered in Walker guts and are inside Alexandria}

Brad: Watch out!


German: Who the was that!

Brad: It's the Saviors run!

{Negan and his men begin to open fire down on people from the catwalk}

German: I'm going to go get Baylee and Caitlin I'll be back

Brad: Where's Paige, Katie, RY and Leo!

German: With Denise and the others

Brad: Shit

German: I'll be back!

Brad: You better! *Looks to the catwalks and sees Negan has moved* oh shit where did he go

{Someone yelling for help}

Brad: *Runs to help*

Enid : Stop fighting! Do you not see what's going on!

Carol: Shut it Eugene!

Morgan: Let go of me!

Brad: Hey! Hey! *Tries to pry Carol off of morgan* Dammit look around you! People are dying!

Carol: I don't care about these people!

Brad: It's not them that are dying! Carl.... He was shot in the eye he might not make it!

Carol: What

Morgan: Where's Rick

Brad: Trying to hold off Negans men for as long as he can

Carol: where are they

Brad: They are at Denise's

Carol: Enid stay close

Enid: Okay

Morgan: What way did Rick go

Brad: That way

Morgan: Thank you

Brad: *Nods*

{Negan yelling}

Brad: What the hell *Runs to see what's going on*

{Negan bursting out laughing}

Brad: *Stops and is in absolute shock*

{Everything seemed to slow down at that point}
{Negans men had Baylee and Caitlin hostage}

Negan: You brought this on yourselfs not me! *Hits German with Lucile*

Brad: NO!

Negan: *Keeps wailing on German until his head eventually caves in*

Brad: *Falls to his knees over what he just witnessed* AHHHHH!!!!!!! *Starts to sprint to negan* NEGAN!

{Someone then trips brad}

Brad: What the shit

Ezekiel: Get over here can't you see Negans disguised men are all over where he is

Brad: But my friend!

Ezekiel: I know you want revenge but we can't not now

Brad: But I... I...

Ezekiel: wait here I'm going to go find Rick I saw Morgan just a few seconds ago so wait here *Sprints away from brad to find rick*

Brad: *Sits on the ground* I'm scared....

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