Rain Hell

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Owen: She's here? At this old factory?

Zach: Yeah *Gets out of the car*

Isaac: We will stay here and defend the car sir

Owen: Roger that Zach and I will go and get Caitlin

Ronald: If you run into any trouble holler I'll come running

Owen: Will do

Zach: *Opens the gates*

Owen: So you want to tell me what happened here?

Zach: No *Walks to the entrance*

Owen: Alrighty then

{Owen and Zach enter inside}

Owen: How do you even know she's still here? The place is covered in dust and cobwebs

Zach: She's here trust me

Owen: Okay okay

{Zach and Owen walk up a flight of stairs leading to a office area}

Owen: *Looks through the glass* That her?

Zach: *Sighs* Yeah come on *Walks inside*

Caitlin: *Sitting in a chair facing a memorial*

Zach: Cat? Hey *Reaches his hand out* Cat it's me...

Caitlin: ...

Zach: *Puts his hand on her shoulder and looks at the memorial*

Caitlin: ...

Zach: *Sigh* I miss them too you know

Caitlin: They are gone Zach... This isn't right...

Zach: I know.... But we have a job to do

Caitlin: No

Zach: Cat

Caitlin: No! Dammit! I'm not going out there to watch more fucking people die! If rather have.... I'd rather have Andy then go out there

Zach: You don't mean that

Caitlin: Do I? Do I mean it Zach? Fucking shut up!

Zach: Calm it down

Caitlin: NO! Dammit! We are 46 years old! We can't keep doing this! I can't! And won't!

Zach: Innocent people will die cat

Caitlin: You know what I say? Fuck them!

Zach: Our friends wouldn't want this

Caitlin: Don't bring any of them into this!

Zach: You still have me and Brad! We have to do this we don't get to mourn forever you know

Caitlin: Screw you Zach!

Zach: Look dammit! We don't get to sit here and feel sorry for ourselves! Not anymore! This isn't how it was suppose to be!

Caitlin: Oh really!

Owen: May I-

Caitlin: I'm done Zach! Watching Ry, Katie and Paige get torn apart by bullets watching German get his skull bashed in watching Jacob get mauled to death by a fucking tiger watching Karen get beheaded watching People I care about die in front of me almost on a daily basis is enough to last a normal person a lifetime of fucking misery!

Zach: You don't think I cared about them? Ash, Bea, Tanner, Zoey, Jay, Matt, Leon, Zander everyone! They were all my friends! This isn't all about you!

Caitlin: "Friends" if I recall you are the bastard that got Zoey killed

Zach: Don't... Just don't

Caitlin: Hurts doesn't it!

Zach: What would Baylee do! Huh? Would she sit on her ass all day and do nothing but feel sorry for herself or would she get back out there and help people!

Caitlin: I.... I don't know

Zach: You do know please cat we are the only ones who have years of experience please....

Caitlin: *tears roll down her face as she clinches her fist* AH! Fine! I'll do it

Owen: You're joining us!

Caitlin: Yes...

Zach: Thank you

Caitlin: I'm not doing it for you *Grabs a backpack and starts filling it with stuff*

Zach: I see you still have Baylee's pistol

Caitlin: Yeah I still see you have Jacobs

Zach: *Chuckles* Yeah

Caitlin: *Zips up her bag* Lets go

Owen: Splendid now we need to locate Brad do any of you know where he is?

Caitlin: No, Sorry

Zach: I don't either but I have an idea

Owen: No time to loose then let's get a move on

Caitlin: *Looks at the memorial* I'll be back I promise

Zach: Cat lets go

Caitlin: I'm coming *Follows Zach and Owen out the door* 

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