Bitter end part 2

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Zach: It's going to take ages to get over there on foot

Brad: Keep running

Zach: I am

{A car comes speeding towards Brad and Zach}

Brad: Zach someone's following us

Zach: *looks back* oh shit

Brad: Ready

Zach: Yup

Brad: *Stops running and turns around to face the car* *Takes aim*

Zach: *Takes aim*

{The driver slams in the brakes}
{Tires screeching}
{Zach and brad are at a standoff with the car}
{Car door opens}

Paige: I knew we would find you guys

Brad: Oh my god *Lowers his gun*

Zach: *Lowers his gun* where is everyone?

Paige: They are at hilltop don't worry everyone's fine but we can't stay here

Brad: We need to go see what that flare was

Paige: Maybe later we need all the help we can get back at hilltop

Brad: Shit fine come on Zach

Zach: Okay

Caitlin: Glad to see you guys are okay *Starts driving*

Meanwhile at hilltop

Caitlin: Ricks this way come on

Brad: Okay


Rick: We need that place Maggie! We can't let it go!

Brad: Whoa what's going on here?

Maggie: *Leaves the room*

Rick: You're alive

Brad: Alive and well now you want to explain why everyone fled Alexandria?

Rick: Walkers were just to much

Brad: i see

Zach: Did you guys see the flare?

Rick: Yeah we did and we have an idea of to where it came from

Brad: Where

Rick: The saviors hide out

Zach: No way

Rick: Afraid so

Daryl: The only question is who shot the flare

Caitlin: You don't think

Brad: No it can't be can it?

Caitlin: *Grabs her rifle off the table*

Brad: Whoa whoa wait! Cat! *Grabs her shoulder*

Caitlin: let go of me! I need to go help her! *Runs out*

Zach: Shit

Brad: Rick I need weapons got any to loan?

Rick: we found this *Pulls out brads revolver*

Brad: No way... *Takes the revolver* Thank you I-

Rick: Go make sure she doesn't kill herself

Zach: I'm in brad

Paige: Me too

Katie: So am I

{Door opens}

Ry: Me and Leo are in as well

Brad: Then let's get on the road

{The group heads towards the saviors camp}

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